Ann Linderman

They’d have to fight the ones that are already there for territory and resources.

Checks out.

Who eats at Mar-a-fuckin’-lago and expects quality food? I thought the only point in going there was maybe a chance of getting to see Trump’s tits pop out of his shirt.

Remember people, Trump isn’t a classy rich person, he’s a sleezy poor person who thinks this is how rich people eat since he eat fucking burgers and fried chicken like a fat heathen slob.

He’s white trash in a Tiffany’s box.

Never has a piece of writing reflected my feelings so accurately.

Fuck the fucking Patriots.

What better way to boost shitty ratings than for the NFL to roll out another Super Bowl starring the Patriots. Fuck off — I’d rather watch amateur porn starring my parents.

When Bill Simmons wins, we all lose.

First time I’ve seen a Deadspin article title quote Gisele Bundchen’s how-to modeling book.

The Pats could have brought a fan onto the field during play, shot them, and still have the refs give the Jags a penalty.

William Shatner as the Priceline Negotiator could’ve done a better job than this.

Does it strike anyone else how Trump “negotiating” with Democrats is the exact same way he “negotiates” with North Korea?

GOOD. I am legally blind (with glasses, the best I can get is 20/250) and so I’ve spent my whole life around guide dogs for the blind. They have been, without exception, well behaved because they wouldn’t be licensed as guide dogs if they weren’t capable of lying down under a table for two hours without making a scene

I have moderate depression, Asperger’s syndrome, rather bad digital anxiety, and even worse travel anxiety. My cat is an emotional support animal, simply because he gives me something to focus on and take care of. Emotional support animals don’t need to be trained whatsoever, but if you’re going to bring them on a

Agreed. The other problem is that a sizable percentage of the population has real issues to cats and dogs. Personally I break into hives when I’m in close proximity to a dog. It’s really annoying. I’m willing to start binging on allergy meds (which make me drowsy) if someone needs their their service animal to see or

No. And did you read the article? They’re not changing the requirement for proving you need a support animal. They’re asking pet owners to confirm their pet will behave via a signed document and asking pet owners to confirm their animal is immunized and is healthy. Neither sounds that unreasonable.

I get him starting out higher, for me at least he was a much more recognizable name, but you’d expect that to start to equalize in later seasons. I think it’s also pretty big news that they’re *both* getting so much less than ABC’s white sitcom stars.

Cosby is a serial rapist and deserves nothing less than actually being in prison, possibly for the rest of his life.
Weinstein, certainly deserves to lose his job. IMO we need to change the law to allow companies to share records on employees who have been disciplined for sexual harassment (as in, if an investigation