Ann Linderman

My husband wants to see all the news organizations around the globe come together and not cover the White House or print Trump’s name for like 2 days.

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And our fearless leader brings us to heel with more:

I’m not going to insist Couric is telling the truth, but I think it is relevant to note that, like you said, Couric was one of the few women who had seniority over Lauer. Additionally, when Lauer came on as her co-host, her husband was dying of cancer, and then she was raising two small kids in the aftermath of his

On the one hand, I think Katie Couric is full of shit. But, also, she was there before Matt Lauer and he came on as her new co-host. I’m sure the power dynamic with her than it was with her replacements. After she left he was undeniably the lead.

Huh, I thought Princess Michael of Kent’s given name was Christina Marie, not Jo Marney.

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Isn’t it possible there could be two Ronnies?

Meanwhile, this is the supermodel she’s been fucking:

Sarah Crappabee will just dismiss it and say in her own arrogant way that the Doctor’s note was transcribed by someone on the staff and they mispelled his question...

Exactly. Love all her positives. No she’s not a dirt bag like Trump but like Trump, what qualifications does she have to govern? Run as a senator, or a representative or congressman, get your feet wet but jump into being President all because you gave a great Golden Globes speech? No, thank you.

1) This was not the doctor’s report. This was two sentences *supposedly* issued by the doctor who *supposedly* examined the pr*sident. And it was a Tweet re: a PRESS RELEASE from the (Not in the Least Honorable) Sarah Huckabee Sanders, WH Shill and Chief Public Liar Press Secretary. This (the email) was NOT something

Best description of him I’ve heard was on Bill Maher “the least liked kid at vampire school.”

Oh for fucks sake! He sounds like cartman.

What’s that you say?

Ignoring the cease and desist, Henry Holt announced that they will publish Wolff’s book four days early.

The President of the United States refers to his former opponent as “Crooked Hillary” even though there is no evidence she’s done anything wrong.

This is of POTUS malfeasance, plain and simple. The on-going effort to destroy DOJ independence is absolutely an attack on the rule of law. The fact that Trump is doing this to try and save his corrupt hide is bad enough, but the precedent it could set is disastrous. Might as well rename DOJ to FSB. Where are all the

Jesus Fucking Tap Dancing Christ on a Rubber Crutch.

That van has too many windows, and where’s the river?

I get a dark chuckle every time I hear that ‘he tells it like it is.’