
So, while I would personally HATE a very showy, public proposal, I am kind of a sucker for proposal/wedding videos. But this one was just soooo creepy and awful. As others have said, 100% about him, not about her or their relationship. I had to skip to the end, it was so intolerable and weird. I shouldn't have even

I 100% do not understand this guy's popularity. I liked TFiOS well enough, but didn't feel like he was especially outstanding. I don't find him even a little bit physically attractive and everything he says sounds terrible.

I have always felt like everyone else loved him and I was missing something. Reading this

There was a guy in NY who sold snow on ebay to people in warmer areas. I admire these industrious people taking advantage of the snow, but I don't miss living in that climate haha.

I am friends with one ex. We never slept together, though both had strong feelings. We were NOT friends for a long time after dating, but have several mutual friends and ended up getting back in touch 3-4 years after the fact. We chat occasionally and share links to music videos because we have similar weird taste,

I feel like this needs a response similar to the whole Kirby Delauter thing. Why is he referred to as "Revenge Porn Dude" in the title of this article? It should be "Craig Brittain, Revenge Porn Dude."

Just. Craig Brittain. Everywhere. Craig Brittain Horrible Human Being. Craig Brittain, Expired Dick Cheese. Craig

Stopit I'm dyingggg

I spent a while coming to terms with the idea of not being overwhelmingly passionate about my job. I have been, at times, enthusiastic about my job and have found ways to love it even though I am not passionate about it. I am good at my job. I work with good people whom I get along with. Our office is located on a

Raised Jewish (though no longer observant), grew up in an area densely populated with Jews, and have been to Israel - the taboo on tattoos is pretty outdated/not enforced. Many Jews and Israelis have lots ink, it's usually not a big deal unless you're Orthodox.

I needed this today.

I tried to read the books so I could at least hate-discuss them, but they were so bad I couldn't even get through a few chapters. I was planning to equally shun the movie but every hateful, vitriol-filled article that Jezebel posts kind of makes me want to see it for the laughs. I don't think I can bring myself to see

Bears that aren't trying to eat you are pretty great

Misread your comment as "I would welcome a rocket to shoot these bears into space" and I was like....Aww, what did the bears do?

But really, do we want to create a situation where these people could accidentally be the first humans to meet intelligent life and scare all the aliens away from reaching out to us? What if

A little surprised no one's commented on the "mentally challenged" dig, which really rubbed me the wrong way.

Of course, it's Iggy so that's not a surprise. (nor is her bad taste in "pizza.")

All said though, handing out customer info, regardless of celebrity status is not cool. and Papa John's hasn't handled it well

My cats largely ignore toys I buy for them. A couple of twist ties have been entertaining them for weeks.

When I was in college, I assistant coached a high school sports team (which also had some varsity junior high members). I have since stayed in touch with most of those kids (praise be the mighty Facebook), and of them the ones who are less religiously focused are more invested in traveling, talking about important

Internet hugs forever and a day. He is an asshole, and I'm glad you're getting the help and support you need for yourself and from work. <3

Not sure what I just saw but I loved it.

"I didn't leave because I thought that relationships were hard and if I left it meant I was a failure."

This was 100% me in my last relationship. Thanks for sharing, and good for you finally realizing you deserve better :)

For sure! I was obviously not comfortable with how he handled things and it's probably really unlikely we'll ever be pals again, but - I do understand why he did things/acted. I didn't/don't want anything to do with him, but I don't think he was coming from an evil place.

No worries...There's been enough time it's not a terribly sore subject to talk about. I don't know how long of an answer you're looking for but if I get carried away you can ask for a TL;DR version lol. It's not really as easy as him just being an evil shit unfortunately. He handled everything poorly but I was not