
He ended things, I gave the ring back even though he told me to keep it. Didn't want the headache, didn't want to look at it, etc. I know he kept it for a little while because about 6 months later he tried to get back together and said he still had it. Not sure what's happened since.

In hindsight? I wish I had kept it

Now playing

I've only been to the opera once, but I am an aaaavvvviiidd theater goer.

Tall people, big heads, big hair....if you spend any amount of time going to plays or musicals and you are vertically challeneged....This is part of the package. Really. Is it my fault for being short? Nope. Is it your fault for having hair,

Totally planned and booked, yep - and wedding invites mailed out. Was able to get refunds from most of the vendors and hotel for our honeymoon though at least, so there wasn't a huge financial loss.

I got fired from being the bride when my ex fiance called things off 3 weeks prior...(there was no revenge but I sometimes wish there had been and have to console myself with having "been the better person," whatever you get from that :P)

While not quite the same situation - at this point, if I were to be in a

I wish I had done something like this. Luckily my ex called things off a couple weeks ahead at least and not the day of, but everything was in place....Sigh. (In hindsight I had a lot of ideas about what I should have done with the dress, but as I donated it to Goodwill I don't feel too badly). Good for her!

That said,

I mean, "Footsing" just seems like a no brainer here, except it almost sounds too cute for what it is.

I'm torn because you make great points, and I do agree with you that the parents most likely truly do FEEL love for their lost child. That said, I'm not sure they truly loved her as a person (Can you love a person, if you fundamentally reject who they are?).

I'm not a parent so I can't imagine what it feels like, but I


I dunno, I think Vagina is leagues better than Pussy.

You shouldn't feel bad. It's still not okay. Plenty of people with mental illnesses still act like decent human beings. This guy was clearly able to exert enough self control to get and maintain a job, interact with people on a regular basis, etc. Mental Illness does open room for being sympathetic, but it doesn't

I agree that the comparison was poor regardless as Helen Keller was a badass, but I think the tweeter was using "dumb" in the context of "mute," and was commenting on NBC's silence, not their idiocy.

(ie, "Dumb" - adj -

My childhood got significantly happier after my parents divorced.

I feel physically ill after reading as much of this as I did. I couldn't finish. Those poor girls....Ugh.

Who knew knitting circles were so badass though. So there's that.

There are a lot of ladies who would be comfortable asking I think, but a lot of dudes who would not be comfortable being asked.

That said, I'm a fan of girls asking. I think it depends on the dynamics of each individual relationship. Not just in terms of whether each partner is cool with the idea, but maybe on who is

Why did I click...

When my ex ended things a month before our wedding I gave the ring back. He told me to keep it, but I had no desire to and I can't really understand why anyone would. At the time selling it didn't

If he lives in Secaucus that explains a lot too.

That one was the best. #5 forever

....Recipe for that squash please?

One of the linked articles states she had to get a nipple tattooed onto the third nipple, but every picture shows a bump through her shirt where a nipple would be....So either she has nipple dents on her bras or there's some photoshop magic going on. Err. Unless she had something implanted under the tattoo. I dunno.