
I really do think the tradition of outgoing presidents ensuring a peaceful, steady and stable transfer of power is vitally important

I grew up Mormon and had Donny and Marie Osmond dolls. My mom always found them naked and entwined with each other. I was a bad kid.

Speaking of which can you imagine the shitstorm if that was a potential Clinton appointee being photographed with sensitive documents? There would already be six congressional committees assembled to investigate. Fox News would be calling for her impeachment.

Noted white nationalist for Chief Strategist (Steven Bannon)

He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens

The first book came out 19 years ago and they kept coming out for 10 years, so people who started reading them as tweens/teens were full fledged adults by the time the series ended. Then there are the movies, the last of which came out fourteen years after the first book. A lot of the original readers are now in their

Because it’s fun? Because why not? Because people are superfans about lots of different things, including sports, TV shows, books, etc.? Because stories and books and escapism are for all ages? Because lots of YA books are great? Because people enjoy geeking out over things they love?

True. For some reason, kids abuse the shit out of their phones, so, not being as rich as Madonna, I have a problem with giving the kid a $600 device that will inevitably be destroyed. My younger kid got my used 5, and broke the screen about 6 months later. It didn't really faze him until I replaced it with a $99

Don’t worry, Rocco, just wait until you’re 24 and you can lie in bed on a Sunday morning, eating three different types of cake for breakfast and resenting the fucked up relationship with food you have as a result of your mother’s crazy diet restrictions. Or something.

I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15

etchings and chill

Things I don’t understand.

I mean, if you’ve ever gone down on a woman you’ve already eaten her local, live yeast (which is a yeast, not a bacteria) and all her other local, live bacteria straight from the source, so...

Dear Mr. Shrayber,

Then my work here is DONE.

The possibilities...I wonder if I could cultivate some of this yeast to brew an IPA.

You were always cute Kat you just needed the Internet to tell you. Soon we may decide you are smart, well dressed or great at baseball. What’s that Kat? You don’t play baseball? That’s not what the Internet said.

This is a terrible and tacky idea and I would like them to take my money now pls.

Those sunglasses have got to go.

It makes sense this episode was focused on sleep as it put me right to it. This episode seemed to suffer from a lack of things happening and instead tried to rely on a gimmick that didn’t really fit the episode.