Annie Towne

Only if you can't spell.

Zombie Clegane Bowl!


I'm wondering why someone who thinks the show is stupid and the actors terrible is doing recaps.

Well, lay down your embarrassment and go have a little lie-down. Glad to have been of service.

I made this little story to cover all the various tenses and variations of the verb to lie, and it helped my daughter immensely:

Good for you, and you're welcome! Next up: It's lie! Not lay!

There are about 1,000 websites (not to mention books) that explain how to use both bad and badly when also using the word "feel." Here's just one: https://www.merriam-webster…

Any excuse for time with Tom Wlaschiha is fine by me.

I am hoping they finally hit the bottom of the wildfire barrel with the exploding sept.

You guys are writers, so come on! "Don’t feel too badly for her though.." The proper sentence is: Don't feel too bad for her, not badly. To feel badly is to do a bad job of feeling. One feels bad, or good. Please!

It's got vagina? Did you stumble into a gynecological how-to by mistake?

I pretty much hated it. Theron seems to be in a completely different movie from everyone else, and is affectless except when she's fighting. I found it a misguided exercise in cool that isn't as cool as it thinks it is. And aren't we well past using smoking as a signifier of such things? Boutella is very appealing,

That is the best answer yet. I think you may be right.

Um, being a woman, I know that. The question was, how does he know what to do to pleasure her, given that he is supposed to have no experience of women or sex? None of the other men in this show seem to know anything at all. Maybe he's been watching Outlander?

It was a good episode.

And where do I meet these men? I've had to do tutorials for every man I ever knew. One exception, now that I think of it, but just one.

"Tits"? Really?

That's another question: Weren't the Unsullied taken as boys? How does he even know what to do?

Missandei was having pleasure, but they'd barely started so unless she comes in less than 10 seconds, I don't think she'd got that far!n