
Start with this, but then be sure to visit the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.

I’m married with kids, and honestly, I still love traveling alone. Nothing like that feeling of heading into a new experience and knowing it’s all yours.

Witnesses said they never sausage a thing. The border agents were real Muensters to the woman. To be frank, it was literally the wurst.

“I got pulled over by the TSA”

Oh, I got pulled over by the TSA from trying to bring landjägers in from Munich. I’m still mad about it. I was gonna eat those on the next flight!!!

There we go! Perfect joke; mission accomplished. On to the next subject, dear Kinja friends!

Seriously, I was just thinking about which dog happened upon this contraband. He must have been thrilled. “I’m a good boy!!!!!”

Smear a little peanut butter over the opening to slow the dogs down a bit, too.

If she was going to try to smuggle bologna across the border past professional sniffing dogs, the least she could have done is hide them in a giant Kong.

Bologna is not allowed into the U.S.

The thing I thought was great about Billy Bush’s op-ed was that he specifically named the accusers and matched them up with things Trump said to point out that Trump wasn’t just joking. It wasn’t locker room talk; it was him talking about things he had done. And that makes the accusers very credible; BB believes them.

I don’t care if Billy never works again or not, this op-ed is like, the least of what he could do, but what I do like within is that he specifically names the women who have accused Trump and says that he believes them.

Agreed — men will use their marriage as a cover that they couldn’t possibly do something horrible.

«why on earth would you want to stick your hands in someone else’s mouth without gloves?»

I’ve had two exes who were emotionally abusive, controlling, and manipulative. Treated me like absolute crap behind closed doors, but charming in public. Every time I’d wake up and break things off they’d wait like three weeks, send self deprecating “I’ve been crying” messages, and smooth talk/gaslight their way back

Why wouldn’t Matt Lauer just let her go? Is it that he wants to reputation of being a good family man? Does being “married” somehow make him appear less dangerous or more marketable? Caretaker for his children, home and pets? Sex object? I mean, I guess he could love her but I’m not sure he is actually capable of

Thank you and it was not a rant. It’s the truth. It’s how it was. Getting HIV or having AIDS was the among scariest things that could happen to one. It was so bad that I’m amazed that people have mostly forgotten, but from 1981 to about the mid 90ies it was off the hook scary. It’s the reason medical practitioners and

That’s why you need Goop’s new DHMO Detection Powder! In the presence of hazardous amounts of DHMO, the pulverized crystals will turn from a delicate pink to a screaming, hazard-warning red. Only $49.95 a packet!

Matt Lauer is only sorry that he was outed. He’s not sorry for what did. None of these men are. Karma, baby, is a bitch.

Likewise with Hallelujah. Jeff Buckley’s cover exists; we do not need any more.