
I’m also a fan of Paula. the AHA gel and BHA liquid have drastically improved the look and texture of my skin. And because I’m sensitive the unscented/minimal ingredients are a huge plus for me. I get compliments now - which is weird and super nice.

Go to Scotland first. if you get the dog before you will only think about it in Scotland and how much he/she would love hiking and running through the moors (I know from personal dog experience!)

Before the much stronger TSA rules (in the early 00s) I once smuggled a sealed can of liverwurst from Frankfurt in my bag. In the can to evade the sniffer dogs and it worked. Walked right past a lady who got stopped while the agents were hauling sausage links out of her suitcase.

Yes. I wrote a comment in a similar vein. Billy legitimized the women, provided comments the illustrated that what happened to them was something that Trump bragged about, and reminded everyone that THERE ARE 20 WOMEN WHO HAVE ACCUSED trump OF SEXUAL ASSAULT.

What I do appreciate about the op-ed is that it draws attention to the 20 women who made statements about Trump’s sexual assaults and harassment. What I have been finding hard to bear over the last weeks of the ever widening Hollywood and workplace sexual assault revelations is that no media outlet (to my knowledge)

Also — the status of “married” can provide a sense of false security — in that the guy is married, and what I think is happening (sexual harassment) is not actually happening because why would a happily married man do this? Furthermore, a good out for him— why would anyone believe the young intern vs. the married

OMG. the gloves. I remember when my paediatric dentist (I was a child in the 80's and young teen in the early 90's) refused to wear gloves. Then a particularly scary article came out in our local news magazine about AIDS (I recall that the article was about soap operas were banning the actors from kissing on sets

To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.... (I got caught) is what he meant to say.

Now playing

Jeff and Rufus are good, but the cover I prefer is KD Lang. not known well outside of Canada but Leonard Cohen gave her his blessing on this cover. (this version is 2010 but I heard her first cover it in the early ‘aughts). I enjoy greatly that she (other than Cohen) understands “minor fall and major lift” and sings

Although this is a sidestep from Pumpkin, my family has made a tradition of including the two Obama apple desserts for Thanksgiving. It is a point we are sure to mention when calling Republican relatives to wish them happy holidays. For your political baking pleasure, I include links below. There is something for

I agree. The pumpkin pie is an ideal breakfast food with black coffee. especially since the spices take at least a day to infuse and the pie is much better cold out of the fridge (not room temp and at the end of a long meal). I am not a fan of pumpkin pie except for my mom’s, she does lard crust from scratch and uses

Wow great interview! So nice to read on a dreary snowy night. Danica Roem is an inspiration. Who knew that you could care about real issues (infrastructure, quality of life, good governance) be your true self, and WIN AN ELECTION! Makes me thankful that all hope is not lost. Can’t wait to see what she does during her

Oh my god. the note taking. I was asked by my executive at my current company if I wanted to attend the board meeting and facilitate a board session as I have lots of experience doing this. Turned out the board coordinator (a woman) slotted the dudes into the facilitation roles and the women into the note taking

Exactly my line of thinking re: the Streep denial and Streep’s daughter Mamie Gummer. Mamie worked for Miramax for her film debut on the Hoax in 2006... then never again. It is extremely implausable that Streep didn’t know.

Seriously I don’t buy the Streep denial. Her daughter works in the biz, Mamie Gummer. If he went after Bruce Paltrow’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter, (similar to a previous poster’s comment on Malia Obama’s internship) what would stop him going after Meryl Streep’s daughter? Mamie worked for him on her film

We’re going to touch base on how to utilize that because 110% of the experts agree that it is a game changer

I know you already have lots of responses, but I feel like i need to tell you that you’re not alone in your thoughts and experiences.

Yess 100%. These recaps and comments are everything :)

but the fantasy bachelor with an actual ‘desirable guy’ would be so much less interesting! Part of what is so hilarious about the show is how all the women fawn over a complete loser... just because the other women are. It is like a psychological experiment and Stockholm syndrome combined. Sharleen Joynt’s blog is

re: Jane Goodall, I love it for these reasons exactly. I feel like I am getting the education I needed about highschool 25 years after I left. :)