Annie Rousso

Hi! How are you?
I am still not over the show. I decided to take some time off everything Selfie to get over it (so apologies for the late reply) watched Mozart in the jungle and some other films in that genre but whenever I see something of Selfie I get sad. I miss this place, talking about the show, reading the

I thank you for trusting me and going for it. I am so glad that you loved it. It is such a great film, so fresh and modern with a big heart and a lot of humor. Now that you have watched it, we can talk about it with regard to selfie, as well. The thing I loved in Medianeras was that the will they-wont they trope was

Thank you so much for your kind words. I am sorry that it took me so long to answer to you. I have been staying away from here and Selfie as a way to get over it.
As a rebound show (lol I do sound soo pathetic huh?) I watched Mozart in the jungle and I suggest you watch that. It is funny and light, dont let the

I kept thinking they would do a bit of Rodrigo/Hailey romance because they kept bringing it up (even passing) and I was against it because it is, like you say, cliche and I would not like what Betty said to end up being true (that at least there was some romance involved). Having watched the episode, I kinda felt it

thank you!

Thank you for that,now I am back home I will try to be more active but I fear I am not helping since I am not a usa citizen. Do you think they notice or they just see traffic wrt Selfie and that helps the campaign?

I wonder what would have happened if Julia had not interrupted them. He grabbed her hand trying to stop her and we know that Henry can be spontaneous only for a second so I wonder if he would have kissed her then.

Imperfect Harmony was the show's peak. The subsequent episodes were underwhelming cause they went back to status quo very easily and without giving us any pov from Henry. I realise now that it was the plan to have those first (never considering cancelation- not even tried to have an alternative ending) 13 episodes

New headcanon!

Τhese are some great thoughts! Love the reference to Ibsen.
I think he stayed in his office and came out as soon as the party died down. The work/workplace has always been Henry's favorite place and one place he shares with Eliza.

That is cool! I will. Do you have any favorites?

This is awesome! It could totaly have been a scene from the show! It had comedy and emotions and I d love to read the second senario. Please. Sorry I didnt answered sooner but I was away from home and just returned.

Thank you so so much! Again, you being here and posting has made this intense experience less lonely and I enjoyed (and learnt) talking to you. I am very much self aware of my awful english and being an esl forbids me from making public my fics but I may try to write my happy ending version to join the saveselfie

Thank you so much! I tried to do my best to get some closure while staying within canon.

The paradox may be that as long as Henry is around to do the emotional
support work that Freddy should be doing (and may be incapable of), her
relationship with Freddy may continue.
I agree 100% with you. Right now Henry is doing all the heavylifting (lifting Eliza's spirits and helping her realise how great she is in

I wonder what Eliza's reaction will be when (in theory) she finds out that Henry didnt actually rejected her (as in he had no feelings) but he was just scared(it was more of his issue) and has feelings for her. It is something that will shake her thus possibly leading to her questioning her relationship with

Now that I have returned home and rewatched the episode, I can see that this was the plan all along. The first 13 episodes were about Eliza coming to terms with all her fears and issues, embrace herself and learn to love and appreciate herself before embarking into a challenging and mature relationship with Henry.

She could have talked about Henry her friend (along Charmonique etc) without presenting him as a mentor. I think she didnt cause she doesnt think Henry as a friend (like Charmonique) and there are some unresolved issues there (she just accepted his apology without adressing the matter and she knows she was right since

On an extra extra note, in episode 12 with her sister Bethany…
briefly catches her up on her life, mentions her super hot boyfriend
Freddy and her friend Charmonique, but leaves Henry out, the aquaintance
of whom was the most signficant and pivotal change in her recent life.
Maybe she did it on purpose, since her