Annie Rousso

it was indeed very detailed. i love her

lol i was too like that, yelling do it holden kill him and i hope the neighbours werent in last night eitherwise i may need to avoid them a bit in the hallway


yes, i am rewatching now, you are correct! thank you!

wow what did i just watched? awesome episode, didnt expect that the alien blue goo would have taken over eros. i mean that has to be the explanation on how the nabuu missed eros! question: did holden actually blew up the marasmus? i think i missed something there.

The film is good, very good. Not something unexpected, you guess from the start how it will unfold but you get your money's worth cause you cannot but feel empathy for the boys. Good cast. People say that it is historically not accurate since it was the British in charge of that operation but i get why they wanted a

Thanx for bringing back the reviews. A lot of tension, moves being made by all the players, cannot wait to see how it is all brought together plus the alien blue goo!

I wouldn't consider Amos a sociopath because he cares about the people he has decided to follow like naomi etc. I guess flat affect is a possible explanation but you should watch ep 3 to get hints and more answers about the subjects cause i dont want to spoil. Thnx for the yt clip.

Yes! avclub will be covering the expanse. awesome

In that context, I agree.

A Greek actress audiotioned for an extra/small part in Troy. She was rejected for not looking greek enough. She showed them her id and still rejected. So Hollywood in a nutshell.

Lol I dont even get what Greeks think and i am one.

Whitewashing by casting a white actress for a Greek origines character? Ooops

Whaaat? No, we are white.

I want to buy it. I dont care about the music (maybe they havent got the rights?) Just take my money

Me too. Ugh

Ugh i was excited for a sec cause i thought Sefie was picket up by amazon

Interesting theory

Nah. I like the list +scene cause it is easy to research a song.

I dont get it either. It bothers me more than the way they handled the warrant stuff. But I get ~plot reasons?