Annie Rousso

I agree with you. It is true that the concept of Eliza and Henry doing some work before getting together is the theme of those 13 episodes and while upon rewatching I am ok with it, I do feel that it would also be a thrilling alternative to the show to get them together even in a wrong timing. Relationships are messy

But hernry is not her sensei, he is her friend (they spend time together but no sex) that gives her good advice.Eliza is henry's inspiration. freddie's idea of serious is tickets to theatre. He is in love with Eliza and Eliza likes that he is in love with her but that is not enough.
The final scene forgive me to say

yes, it is true that being a fan of a tv show(as the case is here) automatically renders said person not objective and more susceptible to fanwank. More so if you are invested at a particular storyline or theme.

Sorry it took me so long to answer. Thank you so much for talking to me and reading my rants. I have already moved to the new entry.

I didnt find the unaired pilot that bad. The premise is problematic if not handled well and in the first few episodes there were issues but they vastly improved from getting a bottom mark here on avclub to going most missed/unjust axed tv shows of 2014.
Also, Cho.

Omg omg this is beyond awesome news.Thank you so much.ugh,I am embarrassing myself trying to find WiFi but I don't even care. I agree with you 100000%. Obviously something has happened.henry is acting so coupley towards Eliza. I almost cried yes and thanked the heavens.I am so happy Eliza confronted Coreen and henry

omg yes. Eliza would love it so much, she would be upfront the stage and do her dancing (as showcased in Even Hell has two bars and we dem boys), all the feels! #Powercouple Heliza. She is the best at her job(best sales) and he gets straight A (minus a little poop)!!

100% true. My thoughts as well.After Modern Family, so as to have a strong lead in. I suspect they placed it on Tuesdays perhaps cause Cho is famous for Star Trek and Gillan for Doctor Who and some Guardians of the Galaxy (ugh, so sidelined Nebula was) and they have Agents of Shield coming next, so they thought(? i

Yeiap, if only I could go to Fontana di Trevi in Rome and throw a coin (also, believed in wishing wells but still). Imagine second season and Henry finaly performing on the karakoe party Hollaback Girl .Cho singing/performing the lyrics 'uh huh this my sh**t… cause I aint no Hollaback Girl…"
eta: I am reading waaaay

:) There is no other way to watch us and uk series in europe online. They must nut up and let us subscribe to Hulu, Netflix etc and I dont know adjust ads according to region? Some brands are worldwide so it could work.

I dont think the show will be picked up. Community, Arrested Development did but they were cult shows,our had such a short life never a such to achieve that status.
I agree with you, all I need is some good closure. two days left!

Worldwide impact indeed! I wish that counted for something, for the actors future jobs, for the creators. Cho and Gillan are doing amazing comedy work, if only they could be nominated for Emmys or something (since Zooey Deschanel was nominated Gillan could totaly get one nomination, her work is constantly brilliant…

South Europe here! Yes, the show has a significant and diverse following. It is being aired online i think in South America and East Asia (iirc) they definately have noticed that diversity cause they promoted it in South America. If only WB or Hulu could green light a second season or a special…
I agree with you

I am torn between excitement and sadness cause this tv show could have given us awesome episodes of cute and sweet/funny scenes and stories. We will never get any of that. Imagine stories of Heliza couple, pseudo work rivalry, a Heliza road trip, romantic shenanigans with a touch of old hollywood screwball (I think

Ok, I am not embarrassed to say I have watched this wee clip of 2 seconds more times than is probably ok (in a loop as well) and I have some ideas to share.
I love every tiny second of it: a)the clothes, Henry so relaxed in a hoodie (only when he is at his home Henry wears so casual stuff and Cho looks so young in

Omg omg omg I am shipping -flailing right now.Thank you for posting it,I had no idea,I had given up on checking Emily's twitter.
Will come back to this post as soon as I have performed some due diligence,weight assets and liabilities and come back with my findings… ;)

Thank you!
After having been 'burnt' by The Hour that was partially resolved while ending on a cliffhanger (which I think will be the case and here) I have a hard time trying to figure out storylines in brilliant yet short lived tv shows. But what you just wrote is very insightful, observant and on point. I agree 100%

Thank you. The definition of spoilers always confused me, is it spoiling when you talk about promo stuff(like in 'watch in next episode') videos, pictures etc?

Sorry it took me so much time to answer but I ve been thinking about it, rewatching all the episodes and trying to figure it out with all my tv watching experience.
So, I have no idea. But I ll try it out.
1.The writing on this show is very good into taking little things into consideration and sticking by them. One