Annie Rousso

Yes,it is 4 full days…Soon it will be done,worst or best case scenario.Since they accelerated things with Eliza confessing and Henry breaking up,I do think they will end on a high note and I think the good cry kapnek tweeted means good resolution.But I have no idea since showrunners tend to risk and I have been burnt

Thank you, yes indeed…

I have no idea. It doesnt make sense after this episode for Eliza to choose Freddie over Henry but it is all personal opinion and speculation at this point. So I am shutting up.

Googled it and got that it is the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. In the end he finds it with a female actress and her son saying that he feels traped but happy.
I have no idea if that means anything.
The opening song usually is important kinda highlighting some plot points.

favorite fun-loving lanky redhead with a heart of gold and slightly
stilted but deep-down kinda goofy asian businessman who isn't a
caricature of an asian businessman
Why couldnt they have written something like that when coming up with ideas about promoting the show?
I am pretty sure they can give us a Heliza kiss but

Thank you so much for posting this. I need some positive thinking as a Heliza shipper. They did it in Follow Through, they can do it again…

omg that would have been awesome!!!

You re welcome. Exactly, the video is on point.
Ugh, 5 days left (i think)

Yeiap, i think all these rom coms premiered via internet platforms and sadly they all got canceled. I guess people are not in the mood for love. And the networks just drag their feet refusing to adapt to the new ways people (young people especially) watch tv.Neilsen ratings? Dont get me started, dinosaurs are more

I don't believe the show was given a fair chance.Promotion,putting it on a Tuesday with no lead in,awful title etc. I watched all rom com TV shows this season,only Selfie was good and got a following.Who cares about a to z or mls?

omg yes please. a thousand times yes.
and a kiss. there has to be one kiss.

I had no idea Cho was this amazingly good in comedy and he is a true romantic leading man(need to catch up with those harold films). Gillan surprised me and deserves all the tumblr slang awards. I wish she grows to be a very succesful actress. She sings, dances and acts not to mention being super hot but relatable.

You are most welcome! If you get to watch Medianeras, omg this film is awesome and generates all kinds of good talk about structure in romantic comedies(something selfie suffers from since it was brutaly axed before its time). I can say no more without spoiling stuff.
p.s. I dont know how things work on tv but one

My thoughts exactly. I think it is a great add to the whole romantic comedies genre. It is so disheartening that it got axed so prematurely. Not to mention the whole deconstruction of the Asian no romantic male lead and the trope that Asian are uptight and workacholics. (Also, John Cho and Karen Gillan rom com on my

Τhank you! 100% agree!!
I like good fluffly romance as long as it is not too much formulated and a rom com (for me) doesnt it even have to be a happy ending/getting together of the two leads (500 days of Summer, Jesse and Celeste forever) to be a win. But when the leads have an awesome chemistry (like you said) and

Thank you for that! Oh dear, this is the first tv show I am totaly not spoiled and cannot guess what they are doing next.
That is a great idea David Ly! I hope they reference that talk from the party with a different outcome this time.
It doesnt make sense otherwise to me at least. Wishing well to someone, i.e. Henry to

omg yes, you are correct. I ve read it somewhere on tumblr that it is supposed to be the title. No idea though.

I hate being that obnoxious (shipper) fan that wants the leads to end up romantically but this show is selling just that. I guess it is a workplace comedy/sitcom but the core of it is Henry and Eliza. And that relationship needs to be at least wrapped up. It is a romantic comedy and it wouldnt hurt to follow the

Yes, I agree. It was a clever thing to say that appears to be true. Henry needed to come to Eliza on his own time. In this episode he moves towards that direction. Freddie accused him of being jealous of his girl and he didnt shut it down, he talked about hair and bowties.
It is tiresome but I worry as a shipper we

No i dont think so. Eliza complained to Freddie that he said he wanted to be more serious relationship with her and that dirty talking was limited and they should do more but when Freddie talked about musical she was what? She never saw the Wiz but i guess, since she was cold to Freddie up until the end she should