Annie Rousso

The show definately points to that direction (otp) but Henry must nut up pretty quickly. I remain hopeful. If anything episode 9 showed that they can turn around things quickly.

I checked some promo videos Gillan and Cho did for the show and they filmed episode 13 around the days the double episode was aired. The show was not canceled by then but everybody was saying it was going to, ratings were bad. Obviously they had that in mind, what they did I couldnt guess. Kapnek talks about

I agree. It made me laugh. Though at first I would be kind of upset that they still treat Henry and Eliza like a teacher student relationship (that is only the origin and an undercurrent) instead of the friendship that they have now (equal as pictured when Eliza gave the same advice to Henry). Technically, Henry told

Emily Kapnek tweeted about a resolved episode and a good cry. To me a good cry is one like in the end of Landline not like the one in the end of Imperfect Harmony. But who knows?

I like your way of thinking. The only objection I have is that Eliza herself said she was not afraid to be in a relationship that Henry is and she was not scared. She didnt say it to Henry but the show gave us the 'we are not a winning combination' and that Eliza was not her real self with Freddie and used hastags

This episode confused me. I dont get Henry and the show not adressing why he rejected Eliza doesnt help me either. Overall it was a great episode. The story with Bethany gave us needed information about Eliza's past and her fear of being abandoned and rejected which explains why she is back with Freddie even though

Yes. Not getting pov from him regarding Eliza's feelings (after having her calling him a big chicken and saying that she was not scared to be in a serious relationship) doesnt help me either.

I dont get Henry at all right now. He makes heart eyes to Eliza and catches air kisses, greets her and offers to help her before the race with the keg in like no time, gets super excited about her becoming an aunt and affectionately looks over her at the end hastag so proud. Still, he rejected her, could not utter a

I dont think he knows. He is convinced Eliza was scared of going serious. I dont know. This episode confused me a lot.

Yes Selfie no 1 at that list.It shouldn't have been axed.Such a good and sweet show.

The jokes were awesome.The music overall is very good and the composer said he will release the music he wrote for the show on SoundCloud soon…

Omg I love Raj he is so cute. He was so so funny when in imperfect harmony Henry talked to him about the elevator scene… Poor Sweet Henry…he just wanted to talk to somebody,he had to share…

Oh yes, you are right. My heart goes out to Henry, he maybe a chicken and literally had no words to say to Eliza about what happened in imperfect harmony but he did a brave thing and broke up with Julia cause he was not in love with her and had feelings for Eliza. He just needs to come clean to Eliza and risk being

A thousand yes. And to add a thought I just had, Freddie is all sweet and nice but he is kinda reinforcing her bad habbits as Henry said in episode never block cookies. He was partying it up with Eliza even though he knew about her finance problems. That tells me that he is probably immature and doesnt really

I rewatched the scene and the feeling I get/way I read it is that Eliza is just thankful/grateful and avoiding the issue by just kissing him and saying #Team Freddie just like she was saying #Team Charmonique, like she agrees with him. She doesnt answer no, you didnt scare me off, no I am not afraid to be in a

They have to make a reference/ homage to that, Emily cannot just let it slip.
eta: omg omg omg. John Cho is so hot.

I must watch those films and re watch My fair Lady.
eta: OH MY GOD. I just found said scene on yt. You are soooooo right. They just have to do that. John Cho was amazing/great on screen kisser… That Harold/Maria kiss wow

He is Henry Potter after all. (i hope i didnt get it wrong what he said, i think he used that as an anlogy hm?)
eta: Since I fear I ve made too many comments and I ve metioned potter here eta: there is a post on tumblr about how Henry is Henry Potter (with glasses and scar and Eliza is Ginny Wooslie and *had* to

Yeia, my Heliza shipper heart was legit scared from that scene hence the not rewatching it.
I agree that it will be cruel to Freddie and I like him, he is nice. I wish they have a mutual break up or something less cruel. In the meantime give me Heliza I dont even care if they have to burn down everything to do so.

In ep 11 we didnt get any POV from Henry. He talked to Raj (in ep 10) and we understood that his default is being afraid to act/insecure about Eliza and being with her. He let go of Julia but we didnt get a scene where he says why he did it(Eliza mentions the break up-he is not that into you) and he never answers to