Annie Rousso

omg this is awesome. I could have never picked that up! #TeamCharmonique #TeamFreddie No hastag with Henry.
I am biased but I believe it is brilliant writing. If I get it right and Henry and Freddie are both viable options Eliza will be torn and will have to choose between who she loves more.
She went to Henry's office

But now in bed, she strangely confirms Freddy's assumption of her being scared…
I need to rewatch it but I dont think she confirms anything. She is just surprised Freddie has a decent and even better sweet explanation and she feels so good that he wants to be with her more and more since she is a very insecure person

I dont know. Probably Fish spa something.

Thank you for posting that. Eliza's finance problems were mentioned in the pilot where she said that she had maxed out her credit cards and asked help from Bryn. Now she broke into Henry's office cause that was were she felt ok to be. She didnt want to ask from Freddie or Charmonique. I agree that Henry does the

Yeiap! If they had Eliza confessing feelings to Henry when they introduced julia in ep 7, we could very well argue that it was Eliza being confused from having a true friendship with a man.
Their romantic chemistry is off the charts. My shipper heart melted when he told her 'i know you' a line that reminded me 'you

While I agree with you, I would like to add that great and long lasting relationships often start as close friendships and it is hardly uncommom to be first friends with your then sexual partner.
Henry and Eliza have come a long way and I think their relationship (given the cancellation) has developed organically.

She pushed a little. Just a little and in a mature way. She flat out told Henry she was sorry that things with Julia didnt work out. At first joking about him keeping a journal (which Henry unwillingly admitted and now she *knows* cute side look [what are you thinking of doing Eliza with this info hmm?]) and then she

This is very interesting! I have never thought of what you say.
Eliza started the episode with repeating to herself that Henry regected you but why did she have to do that? She started with childish behavior and then she just sort of surrendered to his help. From the moment they started talking again and fixing her

I only know about that fish eat feet skin as a peeling thing?

I like Freddie cause he is not a player and he is truly into Eliza. Dont know exactly how his feelings have progressed so much though or why, since even in the end of this episode he was in bed with Eliza while surfing on the internet. Friza have not been shown doing anything more than sex. Freddie introduced her to

Omg yes please. I love your thinking.A kiss damnit that is all I ask.

I want Heliza kiss damnit! Yeia, yeia a story about love is modern and not cliche (whatevs) but this love story is much more compeling and awesome and must happen. This is a rom com and Heliza's chemistry is off the charts. Not ending together in a kiss will be a shame, second to ABC's shame of axing this show.

Agree 100% with you, upvote seemed little. I dont think Eliza was afraid to commit to Freddie, scared that things were getting serious. That is what Freddie thinks and is logical for him to think that. Henry picked it up and made it his headcanon because he is afraid. Eliza has feelings for Henry more than she has for

I liked the episode even though it was a let down for my Heliza shipper heart. I really dont know what will happen in the end, while Julia is out of the picture, Freddie is getting more and more sympathetic and Henry will have to do something big (i.e Pretty Woman climb the stairs with flowers big to go #Team Henry he

I dont think the ladies of the show dont support Heliza. Charmonique has a block it default (as she said in Never Block cookies) and Bryn is a neighbor per Eliza's VO. Eliza in Landline acknowleged that Henry was her only friend and in this episode that Charmonique was a friend and Char ends up supporting Eliza.

Agreed! And he is a chicken. I think he still is myopic when it comes to Eliza and quickly jumps to all the wrong assumptions. He apologizes and makes it up to her everytime he wrongs her so I need to see him realising the progress Eliza has made and how great she is as she is before they can get together. I also

Exactly. This is why he stayed at the party or at least at the office/building. He knows had Eliza said was true. He must know that Eliza truly is in love with him. But he is indeed afraid/insecure.
I wonder what would have happened if Julia wasnt there. He called Eliza back, he rushed and caught her arm. Probably a

A good one! I get the feeling that he sings it for Eliza so it could work that way. If only I was into twitter, I d ask Emily (and get an answer like Maybe John Cho liked this song and wanted to do it? jk)

Thank you! That is a very interesting theory. I agree that it is a vague choice that showcases mostly Henry being open, driven by emotions and vulnerable (a rare thing) and it shouldnt be taken as literally as Chandelier. I am convinced that it has nothing to do with Julia.
p.s. Julia is such a pretty and funny woman!

Thank you! I wrote an answer that never got posted. ugh Anyways, I am, upon rewatching, confused as to why Henry sang Wild World since I always thought that song as one to sing when somebody breaks up with you and Henry is the one who backtracked from his original idea to try it with Eliza. It does fit the tone of the