Annie Rousso

Oh yes. This is a tough spot to be, as a fan. You can almost fool yourself nothing has changed, episodes air every week but while you watch each episode, it stings cause you know it is over. This awesome little show is over. And you have to wait each time for the next week to go through all that without knowing what

Indeed S.O.S. is a great choice. Save our souls last episode really gave us all the right feels, save our show.

stupid question. Henry sang that song in the end for Julia? She did break up with him but he didnt follow her trying to explain things. Sia's Chandelier was a great fit for Eliza I just didnt get Henry's song…

Sorry, were are the comments/thread about TVD?

I think they were done filming by the time they got cancelled. But I hope they gave closure to the story since the ratings werent good early on and everybody was talking about how Selfie was going to get axed. Too bad it turned out to be the best new comedy.

That was my favorite scene as well.

Not much to add, just that I will miss this show. Will ABC air the remaining episodes?