
“Potluck” is fancy talk?

Right now you need boundaries.

Listen to Batman:

I am fully aware of Joanna Newsom and her harp playing. I had a job where her music was played all to frequently. Her drunken pixie with a lisp voice combined with a harp akin to an intro to an epic fantasy cartoon about unicorns and magical nomes made my head feel like it was caving in. I’m happy she has a new baby

It wasn’t an indictment of all men, it was an indictment of men who have no boundaries. Not everything is about you, friend.

“It’s the term “Men” that leads me to that interpretation. Had she used the term “People”, I would have not drawn the logical conclusion that she was referring to men.”

this is rude and unfair to the sun.

Oh please with your “not all men” bullshit. Chris Brown is a scumbag who beat the shit out of Rihanna, and is apparently still not leaving her alone. And don’t backtrack on your original comment, you said “why do you feel the need to take EVERY OPPORTUNITY to bash men in general?” I’d like to see all the dozens of

That guy with the dark hair is one of the things that just don’t belong...

Anyone else feeling like, ‘We get it! You dated! It’s over!’ with Amber and Elon? We’re not heartbroken over here, dudes.

Cher loved that boy so.

Its up there for me, my favorite is home. Nearly every shot of that episode just ooozes tension and the ending is just so perfect. Though I have to say I am of two minds regarding the potential for sequel they keep thinking of doing with these event series.

Go watch Home or The Post Modern Prometheus now!

fuck, you guys. i went to the gq article so you won’t have to.

If he feels like maybe he can’t give another child their due as far as his personal attention goes, I think that’s perfectly understandable.

Also, Qyburn’s giant crossbow rocket launcher is terrible and looks like it belongs in Army of Darkness or Dragonheart or any of those ‘90s medieval fantasy movies where they have impossibly complex weaponry just to make it more badass, and the fact it was hidden in giant wagon that had collapsible walls was even

Can you imagine the whole series but with Arrested Development style commentary.

This is BRILLIANT tactic that you and this guy love to use.

I already found a warden candidate: