
This is why I’m skeptical of Kelly’s new tenure as Chief of Staff.

People who don’t see nothin wrong.

I mean dude good on you but it’s not denial it’s selfish adherence to absurd policies that hurt people and enrich yourselves. He’s saying things that need to be said, but I hesitate to give him kudos for softening this by saying they’re just misled and in denial. They know damn well what they’re doing when they choose

, “The best types of detoxes are ones that emphasize lots of hydration and veggies.

I know they are 2 different places...I too watch Greys Anatomy...and I’m betting the writer also knows they are different comment was made with the thought that internet commenters who think they are editors come off a little ‘moochy’

That baby needs to get out of the NICU, pull himself up by his bootstraps and get a goddamn job! #nofreeloadingbabies

Jesus Christ. My ex missed the birth of our daughter because he was stuck in an airport in Ireland, en route from Afghanistan. That is a perfectly honorable and respectful reason to miss the birth of your child. Being absent due to service to the objectively worse US president, in terms of competency and pretty much

I mean this makes perfect sense to me. The child is no longer unborn, so he no longer cares

I always hide it behind crossword puzzles in every store I am in. I know that 2 of the cashiers that work at my local dollar store not only see me do it but never move shit back until the end of their shift unless the little turtle guy that owns the place comes in for the day.

I’m honestly surprised it’s not Graviti

Pickle, Trump is very sensitive about the size of the white hose. Best not ask about it.

Your characterization of this as Trudeau “boasting” that he “wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person” is an extreme misrepresentation. First, it was a charity boxing match - no one was going to get hurt. Second, he described Brazeau as the perfect foil to the “rich, pretty boy, urban elite” image his

This is everyone’s favourite Nice Guy PM Trudeau boasting about the fact he deliberately wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person.

You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”


Yeah, and I’m kind of done with shows that implicitly (or explicitly) make fun of/harass people who are smart. Like, not every good scientist or smart person is a condescending elitist asshole, a savant, and/or completely socially inept. WE GET IT, YOU LOVE TO MAKE FUN OF NERDS. This is not what’s going to help the