It’s actually more like 10 months from conception to actual baby, so not sure the math/calendar here checks out.
It’s actually more like 10 months from conception to actual baby, so not sure the math/calendar here checks out.
They’re still smarting from Brady taking a knee to end Super Bowl XLIX.
Translation: Seahawks brass didn’t like that the truth leaked, and called another stooge to kick some dirt around the facts.
Very classy moves by the Hurricanes organization. Nice work supporting Bickell on this.
Fucking allergies always act up at the weirdest times.
You should see his attempt to be President.
My favorite Tweet so far...
1. it was a joke
Newsbreak: Awful people continue to be awful on Gawker sites. Film at 11.
While I really don’t like the way Rae wrote the article, check her back articles. She’s one of us. Just made a mistake. Everyone can chill.
I mean, in what way *isn’t* he, in every role?
The gameplay was the biggest part of the charm back then. They didn’t change it and that’s why most Crash fans are happy about this. If you didn’t like it back then, you won’t like it now I’m afraid.
Dammit. Don’t make me like John Tortarella.
Hamilton Nolan on the GOP for the next four years:
I like how this piece goes from smooth, collected annoyance to fuck it fuck this fuck everyone fuck fuck fuck.
Let’s meet back here in four years to see how this fucking bet pays off.
Hard to believe people call you a complete shit writer Hamilton
The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its bird flu capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding bird flu.
Just so I am clear. You are putting an anonymous Kinja commenter on one side of the scale. You put the President Elect of the United States (the next in line for the most powerful position in the world) on the other side of the scale. You find each one committing the same offense and your conclusion is “oh well, both…
After looking at my phone and realizing we still had an hour and thirty minutes left, I turned to my friend and whispered “we’re getting drinks after this.”
“Just put some ketchup on it.”