
Okay I’m not gonna lie I didn’t get this until you pointed it out and now I’m a little embarrassed. It was right there!

You know this is so cathartic. That whole time he was just loathing Ted Cruz and storing up all this anger and resentment and now: Voila. Take that Ted! Never forget Ted! Craig finally, finally gets to let it all out and mess with Cruz on a national forum. I, for one, am just glad I get to watch it all unfold.

No. It hasn't.

That wouldn't be a job because it would be so much fun it couldn't be work! No but seriously, that is super exciting. Thinking good thoughts for you.

Hmm. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

The real question though: Orlando or Las Vegas? I was kinda partial to Las Vegas and I will get really loud in defense of that statement.

She doesn’t go to charity because she needs to, okay, she goes to charity because she wants to.

Correction: your cat will not consent. It will never consent, even if it could consent, because it is a cat. And cat’s are contrary. Now your dog? Totally would be down.

Thanks! I am always looking for other really good sci-fi/fantasy writers. Some more romancy ones I’ve read that are more steam punkey are Bec McMasters and Meljean Brooks. But I will most definitely check those authors out. I’m in between series/authors and have just been rereading old favorites.

When I saw your comment in my kinja thread I was like “Who is starting shit with me and on what thread?” Then I clicked and it made more sense. Oh! The corn dog thread. Yes, yes of course I would. I am only human :)

Yeah I have said I just want to donate my body to science (whatever's left after organs are taken). I don’t care much what they do with it. I’m not using it anymore so if they can find a use that helps advance knowledge - yay! Is there stuff left or can they nose to tail a human body and use everything?

Wait what now free books newsletters?!?!? Can AnnieBody get on that newsletter (+1 successfully integrating name based pun)?

Oh I’ve read it and loved it and reread it and loved it more. I have read every single thing I could lay my hands on written by them. I loved the edge, especially the earlier ones. Have you read the Innkeeper chronicles? George, jack, and lark show up. I really want to read their stories.

For really well-written sci-fi/fantasy (sort of magic combined with science) try Ilona Andrews. The Kate Davis series is amazing, just utterly fantastic and you’d be lucky because you could binge the whole series (the books come out only every year and a half so waiting is hard). It’s not super sexual sci-fi but it’s

Also how the hell would you bury 200 bodies on a neighboring plot of land you didn’t own and just nobody noticed?! Nobody noticed the disturbed ground. The digging (I imagine machines were used)! That also seems weird to me.

Most definitely.

Be careful. I said this, went to the fair, got a big old fair corn dog. It did something to my insides. Turned them inside out? It was gross and intense and yet I think, if that fair corn dog were in front of me right now, god help me i’d probably eat it again.

This police officer is so amazingly patient and professional. Though I believe he’s probably about to roll his eyes out of his head behind those glasses... and now I literally think he’s about to start jumping up and down out of frustration. But still, he’s being so.damn.patient.

I like how it’s so in-depth and the topics are not the same old thing slogged through all the time. I’m currently engrossed in an essay about community college that is about to blasted to like 10 of my colleagues.