Drop it. She’s a hot potato.
Drop it. She’s a hot potato.
What do you do with tomatillos? I saw your prompt and was all over it. We bought a house in October with a greenhouse and a gorgeous, well-tended garden area and... well, I don’t know what to do about it! I have only ever been a flower gardener and me and flowers have a great relationship. I don’t kill you, you…
Soap. Look for something literally titled insect soap. It has to do with the surfactants.
YES with the kids. I lived in DC and worked near the Hill years ago andmy sister came to visit with her Catholic School and wanted me to meet her. So I leave work, walk towards them and see all these horrid, graphic signs of mutilated body parts etc. Then I get there: it’s all freaking school kids. All these Catholic…
Dude, that’s some sloganing right there.
Now I’m imagining Ken Burns style porn, a la Dave Chapelle’s gang wars but with kinky sex. At first it was just funny, but now... shit’s starting to get interesting. The narrator adds an intriguing dimension.
And bathing suit tops! It’s the only way to get support and lift in a bathing suit top. My go to work outfit is lately a pullover or cardigan but I’ve lost weight so my cardigans are all too big and make me look dumpy. Buuuut, I no longer have to look super professional and am loving that I can just wear old anthro…
Sweater over top? Though that sorta defeats the flattering part. Dressing professionally with big boobs is not easy!
Me too!
So what do you call it in your mind? I mean I don’t call when this happened to me rape. I don’t know how to classify it beyond the fact that it sucked, it was bad sex, and I chalk it up to youth and not wanting to make the situation worse/uncomfortable. Ugh, 20 year old me had such bad sex in general. Hell I didn’t…
NICE. I married a younger man. Robbing the cradle for the win!
Yeah that was what held us back. First we were both in professional school, then we had a lot of debt and he was still in school while I struggled to find a job and student loan payments were intense. It was the financial reality of having a kid that kept us from starting and then nature took over and was like “Screw…
I KNOW! I’m 32, had my first at 30 and plan to wait until like 34 for #2 (for career reasons and to space them out a bit with child care and paying for college etc). People constantly are like: “Aren’t you worried about getting older?” The fuck? I am now, with you constantly bringing it up. I live in the South too and…
Oooooooh. Celcius! I mean that’s still freaking cold but I thought you meant -45 Fahrenheit and was like holy shit!
None of us win. Being super pregnant in the beached sea cow stage is just blech. -45 is cuckoo bananas cold, the coldest I’ve ever felt was 3 degrees and I remember thinking: this hurts in way I didn’t know air could hurt. How can you even go outside and not just flash freeze?
I was told some was okay. Like 200 mg caffeine so 2 cups drip. I could not do without coffee, beer was okay. I didn't really want it for most of the time but coffee and soft cheese, god help me.
Same to you! I got a ways, we want to wait about another year and a half. So, in the meantime, I'm determined to live it up! Drink one now for later.
Me too! I was induced right at 2 weeks late and I was freaking miserable. The fact that it was late summer in the south only made it that much more intense!
This is almost verbatim what went through my mind reading this article.