
Maybe he thinks Instagram is Pinterest? Because those are some straight up sears catalog models who he blacked out their eyes

She’s also an immigrant.

Why don’t you just change your hair color to blonde? They’re close enough in lightness so it shouldn’t mess things up too much and they’ll send you things based for a cooler complexion

If we go full movie villain, yeah. He’s Dr. Strangelove.

I joked earlier that one of the main criteria for Trump appointees is that the guy has to look like the movie version of a CEO of a toy company hellbent on ruining Christmas and the world. I’m on fire with that theory so far

C’mon. You can riff off Legally Blonde: Red, White, and Blonde, the sequel. That’s the more ripe for jokes Legally Blonde movie. A kinda dumbo with no political experience goes to Washington to fight fight for a pet cause (literally) and learns the ropes and triumphs for good in the end.

I can’t wait for America to get numb enough to all of this that we can all just laugh at a joke and I don’t have to explain I don’t literally believe this. It’s just a fun side tangent to imagine for a minute

I found a bright spot in the hellscape thy had been the last two weeks in politics. You chose cast a shadow on it.

Things could be okay if we’re using that sentiment. Elle Woods didn’t do the reading for her first day of law school, she got kicked out of the class, found the love of her life, stood up to sexism and sexual harassment, won her first case her first year of law school, and then she was the elected speaker at her law

This may be some insider trader level info so keep it on the dl. Last year I decided I’m officially in my mid 20's and I’m sick of everyone’s bullshit and having to throw Instagramable parties with a headcount large enough for single people to attend so I wanted to just stay in and drink champagne with my boyfriend in

Because some people don’t want snapchat? I think snapchat is so stupid. Think about the concept you are posting photos to social media that expire after 10 seconds or a day. Poof. Gone. On the surface that would seem like you’re living in the moment instead of creating curated moments like Instagram. But no, you’re

I have a New Years Eve birthday and I can guarantee that I know the absolute perfect gift to give him.

I think he sucks and I believe the rumor that he got her too high to function and put her face down in the water to die like her mother did. But I do also believe he deserves some sympathy. That Dr. Phil interview is heartbreaking. He’s clearly not functioning at all and I don’t think Bobbi Kristina was either. Bobbi

I’m 100% serious. If at any point you hear him talking about little girl asking for help with her pierced ears, just yell out “FUCK YOU, LINDSEY!”

I’m currently feuding with Linds over something I did when I was 6 and he still uses as a cute story of how he’s for the people. I usually run into him once a year at a friend’s uncle’s insane Christmas party and he is holding up his end of the feud by loudly telling the story any time I get remotely near him.

This is probably the wrong auidence for real housewives talk but I have swapped out Donald Trump with Dorinda for the past week and I have to be honest, it’s been easier for me.

The spin was so clearly there too. “You just made my day” could have easily been spun as “I’ve wanted to fire you for ages. Thanks for making it with cause.”

I will immediately be watching this

Here’s what is confusing me about this not at all brave new world we are entering. A year ago I would have sworn it was a universal feeling that Nazis were and are the worst. But now swastikas are showing up all over the place and some real deep and mean hate has bubbled over.

Homeboy has some of the worst early 2000's tattoos. Rory is better than that.