
The only other person who remembers it thinks fondly of it like it’s a fun thing. No one seems to be complaining. Nor is there a history of said author being this curmudgeon who is against this coming out.

My vote, based on a complete absence of evidence, is that he was body swapped with aliens.

But also, don’t assume that people don’t want Taco Bell, maybe? This is how we got stuck with Trump even after all the polling told us it would never happen. There are plenty of people who could be offered a gourmet meal and they would turn it down for something more familiar and far, FAR less delicious.

I already know people like that. A coworker said she’d never adopt a dog because “you never know what you’re getting.”

I don’t understand your point—piss and shit do not come out of a breastfeeding woman’s nipples. Literally never. Breastfeeding is also not a health code violation. I’ve never heard anyone equate the two.

That’s nice to hear, you never know about celebs (or on-air talent or however he is categorized).

It’s at once staggering and completely unsurprising. I was skimming through Jake Tapper’s Twitter account this morning - he’s been using his platform to retweet tons and tons of pictures and accounts of people who served in the military. Meanwhile our president continues to rage in petty tantrums, consumed only of

omg i SO do - I got my IUD like 9 months ago? and after the first couple months of random bleeding, I have like a few days every eight weeks or so of random bleeding (more like spotting) with a day of cramps and just GAH mood swings out of nowhere for 48 hours.

YES PHANTOM PERIODS LIKE CRAZY. I do love the IUD. I had mine implanted after my second was born (my kiddos are 14 months apart) and had a serious bout of PPD, so now I can tell when my period is SUPPOSED to be based on how frustrated I get with my kids, ha. I have a distinct phantom period yell at this point!

It’s actually kinda sweet that he notices (a day or two before you at that). This must be the weekend for PMS rampage, I’ve wanted to punch people for the past two days and my boobs ache like never before. Hiding inside until this passes.

This is great advice! I’m partial the urban decay 24/7 liner. I’ve been tightlining for ages and have never had any issues with my eyes, for what it’s worth.

That is very sweet and convincing. She’s had a rough go and your Mabel has grit.

That first header pic is so ‘shopped I couldn’t even recognize Mariah.

Jesus. He’s a fucking brat.

honest question here and please forgive my ignorance on the topic—

yaaa nothing is ever KK fault, as per usual.

Third Act Reveal: He’s a giant Ken doll and doesn’t have one! ::Hilarity ensues::

I am a fucking faggot, and you’re deeply uninteresting. Have a Romy and Michelle day!!!

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

Yeah, the person she hit died