
You’re ahead of the game already! I kind of want macrame hanging plants to come back in fashion. The pictures I’ve seen of the 70's and it’s like a jungle of marcrame plants has always struck my fancy

Maybe I try too hard and it dies just to get away from me with my hopes and dreams for it. I tiger mom it to death

And I meant it. It wasn’t an empty compliment.

I have a huge yard so they’re appropriately sized. If I went smaller it would look confusing and unpleasing to the eye. The back flower bed runs the length of the backyard and had great foundation plants like 12 feet of azeleas in one area, another couple giant azeleas, the biggest and most beautiful rhodedenrons. A

That’s the best feeling in the world. My best friend got a mini avocado tree last year and I get her daily avo update and I get so jealous of her. I had avocado eggs benny a couple weeks ago and I’m still waxing poetic about it

Look at you! You can make your own tops and I presume you’re good at it if you’ll wear it outside of the house. You got a job! Holla! And you bike to work? You sound like the well rounded romantic comedy lead that we deserve but will never get.

I’m gonna brag and say they are beautiful. I put 7 in in the front yard in the 2 flowerbeds and I never thought I would ever end up with actual hydrangeas. Just like gross lopsided embarrassing half dead hydrangeas. The guy that built my house loved a flower bed and I now understand why the flowerbeds were such an

Bed cookies taste the sweetest. And I’m glad the conference is good. It’s awful when you’re stuck there at a stinker of a conference and you have to act professional and not show how awful the conference is.

You know what that means? You gotta buy good pots. Not the cheapest one you find at lowes. Get pots that you love. Pots that make you happy.

You can. I saw it earlier in my sprinklers. It’s when they’re on their spray cycle of the rotating. It’s just a sheet of rainbow

I mean this in the best way possible. Your dog looks like DJ Pauley D. I pray she has the same personality.

So play in any sprinklers lately?

Whenever I see pictures of British grocery store prices my brain breaks. Everything seems so cheap. It confuses me.

We should have set up a book for Jezbel’s very own brexit! Darn it! I was never cut out for the bookie life so it’s for the best

My boyfriend has a habit of boredom snooping. He isn’t looking for anything so he can start a fight. He will just wonder hey what’s in that closet? And he has to find out so he just pokes around. About an hour ago I heard “BABE! did you know there’s a telescope in this closet?” I did know. After a discussion about if

And that’s my point. Homie can’t use Jezebel as a fainting couch. The commenters aren’t the problem. He is.

I just pictured his house and I am bummed out now. His daughter asking him to color and his wife asking him what kind of pizza he wants for dinner being met with “I SAID NOT NOW! I AM WRONG ON THE INTERNET AND IF I DONT DOUBLE DOWN I WILL BE FORCED TO CREATE A BURNER! A FUCKING BURNER DO YOU HEAR ME?!”

I generally don’t like when people do the whole “Taylor Swift has it rough? NO I HAVE IT ROUGH!” and they laundry list all their problems but I just skip over it because whatever they need support and maybe might not have it. Maybe because it’s usually women in whatever on it. But this fucking baby parading around in

I know. I’m done now. It just felt good to yell at the void.

You keep saying it was because your meds were messed up and were instutionalized. At no point do you say it was wrong, I was wrong, I am mortified. There is no ownership of your bad behavior. And I’m not mad about the suicide threat. I’m mad that you weren’t getting your way so you decided to up the ante and be