Cruise has a better range than DiCaprio,Clooney,Pitt and even Denzel. He’s better than older veterans like De Niro and Robert Redford.
Cruise has a better range than DiCaprio,Clooney,Pitt and even Denzel. He’s better than older veterans like De Niro and Robert Redford.
What do you have to say to Magnolia and Born on the Fourth of July?
Magnolia,Collateral,Born on the Fourth of July Jerry Maguire A Few Good Men are evidence.
I would say Tom Cruise has given many diverse performances in his career. Magnolia,Born on the Fourth of July,Collateral,Tropic Thunder,etc. He's no Daniel Day-Lewis but he's very good.
Except he's a great actor.
Clown! How many movies of Cruise have you seen? Magnolia,Collateral,Born on the Fourth of July,etc show Tom Cruise is a great actor.
Also Brad Pitt who always plays the cool guy. He’s unwilling to play character who is humiliated or genuinely broken down.
WWhat about Collateral,Jerry Maguire,Born on the Fourth of July,Minority Report,Eyes Wide Shut,etc?
Iby he plays broken/humiliated characters in Eyes Wide Shut,Magnolia and Born on the Fourth of July? You clearly haven’t seen enough movies from the Cruise.
Add DiCaprio to the list. Same scowling,whiny jerk in evey movie that’s not What'sEating Gilbert Grape.
Hhe you seen Magnolia? Collateral?
You’re in denial.
Do they actually sign NDA? If I remember tight,Katie Holmes cashed on Cruise and her personal life pretty well a fee years ago thanks to her daddy. Even though,most of her words were BS,apparently.
Everybody runs,lordnatasha.
Cruise apparently does not smoke nor drink,has the same diet as David Beckham and exercises daily.
Eyes Wide Shut is a masterpiece.
About that China and flags on the patch on Maverick’s jacket: It looks like in the original movie, the patch is his father’s from his Vietnam tour while the second patch is his own. The second say 85-86, when the original came out, and says Indian Ocean Cruise, where the dogfights at the end of the original happened.