Pussy Galore

I can only do Nerdist in small, somewhat infrequent doses ^ so I haven't heard this yet, but I'm curious - was this Hardwick talking (i.e. the above mentioned "interviewer")? There are a few different people on the show and, while not terribly important in the grand scheme of things, knowing who was talking would

i don't want to start a GoT conversation here, but either you don't get what that particular trope is about, or you don't get why people took issue with that scene.

ive mostly stopped commenting due to NuKinja (it's damned near broken to uselessness on my tablet) but the terribleness of this video has forced my hand.

I know this is, at least in part, tongue in cheek, but I actually read that she had a wig made, using her own hair, after she chopped it off. Like, so she didn't have to rock the bald look when she was off set.

Thank you! There's some sort backlash being brewed here and I find it really weird. Using a rhetorical question in a headline or title is not at all an uncommon practice.

Well, yes. That was sorta the entire point.

I know that you figured it out, but for anyone who's still not seeing their Pokemon, two things:

This is literally the only anime show I've ever watched. Like in my entire life. And I watched the whole thing.
Why, you ask? That's a bit odd, you say?
Yep. Pretty much...

You'd be suprised, but a lot of chicks (myself included) favor skirts over pants when it comes to moving around. I suppose it seems counter intuitive if you've never worn one, but it's true: as far as your legs are concerned, skirts are pretty much the same as wearing nothing at all. Seriously. (Unless it's a tight

"[Disney Princesses/Nickelodeon cartoon characters only people born between 1983 and 1989 remember/et al] redesigned as [mature theme]" has reached that particularly bland level of meme-hell — like "What Does the Fox Say?" but for geeks.

Hipster Eric looks like half the guys I've dated in the last 10 years. I think I need a bit to go reflect on that. Yikes.

Huh. I'm surprised. This is completely anecdotal, but my brother's ex briefly worked as his assistant (or caddy? or golf assistant? idk, something....) and he's was apparently a freaking delight.

Minor difference of opinion: I thought that one line was exactly the amount of "wink wink" to Monk we needed. Having him actually pop up would have distracted from the main goal of the episode — wrapping up the story of Psych's characters. Not a big deal, but I keep hearing people say this and it's bugging me.

Yes, yes, yes!

Regarding the $$ thing... I seriously doubt Samuel L. needs any leverage on contact negotiations. The man has name and face recognition like whoah, a lengthy career full of excellent work and, as far as I can tell, a great professional reputation. Even if he needs the cash (I'm assuming he doesn't because he does like

This is the most genuinely amusing trolling I've seen in a long while. Please accept my compliments.
(You are just fucking with us, right? I'm going to keep believing you're fucking around because the alternative is too worrisome to consider.)

What does "no boards on boards" mean? What was the rule? Just curious, is all.

I know the general consensus is that X3 was trash (and I tend to agree, for the most part) but I'm curious if anyone remembers what its general reception was when it came out?
I'm just wondering if this is one of those "vocal minority" situations and the general public actually enjoyed it. They'd be completely wrong

Agreed. Comedic shows end themselves to a rewatch because they (usually) require less of an emotional investment.
They require less dedicated viewing, as well. I know I tend to be less attentive when I watch something for a second time. I mean, you don't queue up Mad Men before you start making dinner, right? I know

I have done a Lost rewatch or two in my day. I get why you'd compare its rewatchability (is that a word?) to that of BSG. It's a bit different, though. BSG's story arcs tend to last entire seasons whereas Lost has them sprinkled throughout the full run.
For that reason, I've actually never felt the need to do a full