Pussy Galore

The Shining. Jack has these little glimpses of stuff that happened in the past at the hotel — in this case, some stuff that went down during one helluva freaky party.

My university years in Madison, Wisc were wonderful, but fuck if I didn’t miss Wawa on the daily. I luuurv Wawa. I am literally posting this comment from a Wawa (don’t judge me - I’m in my car on my lunch break and they have Wi-Fi now ...)

The instant r/walking dead opened up this week’s recap thread, there was a request for someone to throw a vid together. Less than five minutes later, another Redditor had one finished and posted.

I’m not really a Communist. That was hyperbole. I do, however, believe that we need to get to the wealth distribution, like, yesterday. I know that’s probably abhorrent to you, but it’s my belief that those who have a lot have a moral obligation to help those who have little (and I know that the former group ain’t

Fuck you?

I know you’ve already had a thousand replies, but you second-to-last post hit the mark AFAIK.

I don’t believe the epithet “Bernie Bro” was ever intended to paint all Sanders supporters in a negative light. It simply refers to a particular sort of Libertarian-leaning, privilege-blinded (white, $$’ed, “All lives matter”) dudebro.

do it yourself abortion sticks??? i am incredibly grateful to have lived my life as a woman of reproductive age in a time when abortion was, if not easily accessible (to be clear, it should be,) at the very least legal.

Okay. So, Melody Pond spends her childhood as a captive, being forged as a weapon to kill the Doctor. That whole “Silence will fall,” scary eye patch lady, Nixon deal.

Damn. Called it.

I’m a masochist, so I occasionally enjoy listening to AM radio. Yesterday on Glenn Beck, his gang of idiot co-hosts were discussing the observation that time seemed to be speeding up. You know, that familiar phenomenon? Summer break feels like an eternity when you’re 10, but seasons just seem to fly by once you’ve

Hey, look! Gawker wrote an article about me. Good stuff.

I was born, raised and have spent a good chunk of the last decade in the Philly area (the tippy top of Delaware right now, but have lived all over Center City) and you aren’t kidding about the heroin problem we’ve got going.

I know you’re joking, but no. That is definitely not how Tinder works.

I actually think the ep subtly suggested that Maggie is pregnant. Subtly for TWD, anyways.

Your post sparked a thought...what if, after a regeneration, the Doctor came back, not as a twee 20-something (not throwing shade; I love Matt Smith) but as an honest to goodness kid? We’ve seen it with River Song when she became Melody Pond.

People definitely do call it a “Philly beard.” In fact, I’ve never heard the term “Sunni beard,” but it makes sense. Philly has one of the largest Black muslim communities in the US. That community is where this look originated.

Wait, where’s Dutch? Last thing I remember, she was dejectedly walking away after saying goodbye to her girlfriend.

Maybe because nicer (read: $$) neighborhoods typically don’t have loud ass rail lines running through them? Come on, man. Think before you post.

Dude. Please tell me you’re trolling. Because if you’re serious...