
Nah, fuck this. They had a chance to cancel this when it actually meant something, and they didn’t. The “special” is their way of testing the waters for a Jill/Jessa spinoff and of financially capitalizing on the continued interest in the Duggars and what happens to them. I can’t decide what’s worse—pretending like

The way their reality programs are sinking, you’d think TLC might revert back to their original status as “The Learning Channel” instead of lowest common denominator.

Took ‘em long enough but on the other hand....wooooooot!

The entire problem with America today can be traced directly back to the lax immigration policies of the Native Americans.

Oh my god. Will people just fucking stop with this? Heads up, the reason people call you a racist isn’t because people are big meany doo-doo heads. Words mean things. It’s OKAY to call people out on their racist bullshit. If you’re insulted by being called a racist, you’re the one with the fucking problem.

First of all, who are these people other than Tavi

I’m 27 in a week and the only thing I can relate to 19 year olds about is the fact that we are both broke.

I have some questions

I don’t know who the fuck any of these people are and I’m a millennial.

You forgot Child Molester Apologist!

“You are the greatest troll of all time, posing as a feminist and posting things that completely prove the counter point.”

there is nothing i love more than the fact that the RNC has completely lost control of this rapidly sinking ship

Mike Huckabee’s Platform:

illegal immigration leads to a “bad element” coming into the country

I always love the invocation of Schrodinger’s Immigrant: “them illegals stealing our jobs while they sit around on welfare popping out anchor babies.”

“Calling them a racist is sort of a way to end a legitimate and thoughtful discussion and that’s unfortunate.”

Every woman I know who was pressured to have an abortion (whether she did or not) was pressured by someone who was “pro-life.” I wonder how common that is.

Recently my mom, over the span of two dinners told me some facts I had absolutely no idea about and never could have guessed. First, that her mother (in Texas in the 50s) had been forced by her parents to have a “back alley” pregnancy termination that nearly killed her and she regretted forever. Second, that she had

Overwhelming Majority of Patients Don’t Regret Their (fill in medical procedure)

“You know what, I really regret that abortion I had when I was a single, 23-year-old in the middle of my doctorate degree,” said no-one ever.