Remember when Jude Law’s baby accidentally dropped ecstasy—way back in the days before it was called molly? I think…
Remember when Jude Law’s baby accidentally dropped ecstasy—way back in the days before it was called molly? I think…
Tell that to veterans who lost limbs and to the families who lost loved ones in war zones. Trumps is such a fucking asshole.
In the words of Barack Obama, “What a jackass”
In very broad strokes, yes, though let me up front say there are about one million people here, most especially including The Hon. Judge Brown, who are more qualified to discuss the nuances of cultural appropriation and hair politics than I am.
I always hate the “aren’t black people appropriating white clothes” argument, because white people didn’t just ask other cultures to wear their clothes, or beg people to wear their clothes, they marched themselves into other people’s countries and forced them to wear their clothes, speak their language and assimilate…
So I read the Buzzfeed comments in response to this story and I most certainly regret it.
Love yourself and like better people.
i would beg to have a lot to learn about british and french history if you don’t think they have issues with black culture there...
1. The preferred term is locks, not dreads.
what i cannot understand is why they didn’t do the same piece, but call it “straight to curly” or something like that. the end result looks cute, and it would have worked just as easily sans *any* reference to afros. some of my white friends from elementary school would get their hair like this with twists and sock…
“Why is it okay for black people to have afros but not white people? Why is there BET but WET would be considered racist? Why is there black history month but no white history month? Why can they say the N-word but we can’t?”
Thoughts in real time:
“Technically her style is called a Twist Out.”
Hashtag LifeMistakes.
I am both impressed and dismayed that you waded into the yahoo comment pool.