Scared? Ha! No, we love him and hope he’ll get the GOP nomination.
Scared? Ha! No, we love him and hope he’ll get the GOP nomination.
This. Oh jeez this. Like when I complimented a woman on her car (it was a very cool car, I like cars) and she smirked and asked me if I wanted a ride.
And I said “Oh, no. I’m just walking, it’s not even a block.”
She looked stunned, and it didn’t click in my stupid head for like a month.
yeah and like, if men are soooo bad at reading social clues as they claim, then logically they shouldn’t be allowed to work jobs which rely on interpreting social clues, like oh I don’t know, police officers, therapists, etc.
Maybe I’d not expressed myself clearly (English isn’t my native language). I meant, since it’s a bad thing that men in general don’t get the right cues from women, it’s a small consolation that this cluelessness isn’t only towards women.
But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?
If it’s some sort of consolation, men are terrible at picking ANY cues. I’m a heterosexual guy. Once I got to pick my lesbian daughter from a LGBT nightclub. While I was waiting for her saying good bye to friends, a guy approached me and started to chit-chat. I thought not of it, and it was a pleasant talk. Then the…
Just yesterday, I was at the corner store buying my standard migraine hangover cure: giant ass Coke Zero and some salt-and-vinegar potato chips. I had messed up hair, sunglasses deployed, ratty-ass clothes, and Kid Electron in tow, because it’s just not a migraine hangover without a three-year-old asking for Skittles…
I usually try to find a role within the situations to occupy my attention and hide the fact that I’m antisocial. People think I’m so helpful when really it’s just filling that social interaction void. By refilling ice cube trays, rearranging food on platters, letting people know it’s time to eat... I can pretty…
I was feministing my way to work this morning, when I realized how great my rich, white, female demographic is. So I decided to text my extremely privileged fans about it, but my stupid iPhone autocorrected the phrase “co-opting the word feminism for personal capital” by removing all of the text I wrote and giving me…
I’m amazed Lena Dunhams poor, bedraggled iPhone hasn’t committed iSuicide yet. Having to listen to her awful Dunpinions all fucking day and night would suck and blow.
But she isnt like other girls. This woman has been conditioned since before she could tie her own shoes to kick ass. She isnt like any other competitor in her sport either. Without even trying that hard she set a record for fastest championship match and only match to be won without throwing a single strike. She IS…
Ok: it’s not what she said. You are doing something. You’re raising your child. There are women (and men) out there who rely on their looks to get a spouse to support them so they can literally do nothing. That’s who she’s talking about.
I know she’s going to get reamed as problematic, but what I’ve discovered is anything you claim that you are and are proud of, you’re will seem to be tacitly or explicitly denouncing other things.
This gives me a sad. It’s unfortunate when people feel such conviction about their own specific paths to worthiness that all others are rendered backward or worthless in their eyes. It sounds like she’s spent her whole life feeling something she needs to prove to herself, her mother, and us. And while I think her…