Lots of people. As a black person trying to buy something right now I shop with a white friend who poses as me so I can see the same places.
Lots of people. As a black person trying to buy something right now I shop with a white friend who poses as me so I can see the same places.
I mean, most people don't even fucking talk to their neighbors, so what the hell difference would it make what color they are?
In other news, at least 28% of whites “are garbage people”, “should not be allowed to share populated areas with other non-garbage human beings.”
As an old, I distinctly remember my parents selling their house in the 70s and the neighbors pointing out that they had an "understanding" in the neighborhood that they wouldn't sell to black people. "Screw them," my dad said. "Black people's money is as green as whites and this place is going to the highest offer."
Who discriminates when selling their house? I’m selling to the highest bidder. Period.
Yeah, while I get the usefulness of having “safe and supportive group homes” available, that seems...direly inadequate, as a response to a criminal justice system that treats being an underage rape victim as a criminal offense.
A group in my state tried to pass a law that people under a certain age busted for prostitution would get help instead of going to jail, in hope of encouraging them to turn in their johns/traffickers.
It’s funny, even when we talk about the “drug traffickers” that need to be arrested, they turn out to be the 17 year old gang member or the addict that sells a relatively small amount to support their habit. Not the people that are at the top of the pyramid.
I recently put on a legal clinic for homeless teenagers - for whom this is obviously extremely relevant. Many had come from foster care where they had been sexually abused. The biggest shock to me was that all of those who had been abused had reported those crimes to the police, with the support of family, yet it was…
Writer/lawyer Andrew Vaccess wrote a fantastic article about the language people use when discussing abuse, and he talks about the term “child prostitute” vs the term “prostituted child.”
I hope no one is surprised: Most offenders are victims of a crime before they enter the criminal justice system. We criminalize certain kinds of victimhood and certain kinds of poverty.
Anna, you’re two for two today posting these really sad stories of sexual abuse, so I really hope that you’ve got a fucking hilarious set of “Grim Yelp Reviews” to counterbalance it later.
HOW IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DO YOU JUSTIFY ARRESTING A TEENAGER FOR FUCKING PROSTITUTION? Oh! You can’t legally have sex, but you can definitely be held responsible for older creep show fucking abusive weirdos paying you for sex you CANNOT LEGALLY FUCKING HAVE?
People with a shit childhood (abuse, sexual or otherwise) are more likely to end up in jail? And they needed a study to figure this out?
It kills me that there are states can arrest a kid for running away. Kids don’t run away for real (I’m not talking the one night I’ll show them!!!) unless there is real problem.
Classic leech behavior! Mooching off their employers for “wages” so they can support their lifestyles. They become totally dependent on their paychecks. Makes ‘em lazy. If you ask me, entitlement is out of control in this country—people expecting compensation for their work instead of just appreciating the opportunity…
I’ll do a side-by-side comparison of work schedules with Jeb any day. We can put it all in an Excel spreadsheet with a column for hours involved, related commute, ability to work on said commute, and financial pay-off. I’ll even let him adjust it to allow for .77 on every dollar he makes.
I can already guarantee I work…
Exactly. Like, if you’re in an office job, if half of your workday is devoted to shooting shit and checking the internet and stuff (nothing wrong with that!), it’s not like you’re working productively or efficiently, you’re just working because you have to work that 8-4, 9-5, or whatever.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that productivity does not necessarily mean one must work longer hours.