i dont even like consensual semen so good on this lady for not murdering him right then and there
i dont even like consensual semen so good on this lady for not murdering him right then and there
I’m reading this as something that’s geared towards white teenagers, and I’m *really* hoping that this takes the discomfort and flips it. Like, you’ll have viewers nodding along going “Yeah! I feel that way too! It’s reverse racism!” and all of a sudden they’ll be confronted with.. you know, reality.
I don’t think I can deal with white people whining about how life is so unfair for them because people call them racist anymore so I’m gonna pass on this.
I’m hoping that Vargas did a good job. It would be so disappointing that someone as aware of race issues as he is would make a bad documenrary about race. I don't have MTV but I hope we discuss it when it comes out :).
He’s a Libertarian leaning Republican who barks about self sufficiency while stealing resources from others. In other words he’s a typical Republican hypocrite.
Rules and laws don’t apply to freedom loving grifting Republicans. See also: Cliven Bundy.
Wow, actual bona fide theft. How do these assholes live with themselves?
Jezebel seriously needs to do an article explaining the difference between Miss America and Miss USA because they have a history built around one issue: the only Jewish Miss America refused to do a swimsuit ad campaign back in the 40s.
People keep referencing Miss America constantly and I get it, they’re both pageants…
I don’t agree. Let’s not pretend that the only talented black women are those who are light skinned. Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Halle Berry, Rihanna, Mariah Carey and women who look like them are especially promoted by the recording industry because they are more accessible to all races and support white beauty ideals.…
Actually, yes. Miss Utah 2007, Jill Stevens, was an Army Medic who spent 18 months in Afghanistan. Miss America 2005, Deirdre Downs, is an OB-GYN. Miss America 1998, Kate Shindle, apparently caused a bit of a scandal by advocating for HIV prevention through condom distribution and needle exchange programs. The current…
When I need you to put words in my mouth - I will let you know. I would like to see an array of Blackness trick.
I don’t believe in beauty pageants, but a lot of very successful people came out of them, including Diane Sawyer and Oprah Winfrey. Halle Berry. Vanessa Williams. Sharon Stone. I’m assuming a lot of other women did not remain or become famous, but still found successful careers.
Black is certainly not black. In the history of black people, lighter skinned slaves enjoyed privileges that darker skinned ones did not. I’m not saying that blacks need to be represented in one way, but when the majority of black women who are celebrated in the country are closer in skin tone to Mariah Carey, Beyoncé…
No. But it easily could be. *Flavortown*
Nice, but um, is it the lighting, the airbrushing or are these young women the nearly same shade? I want to see Black faces & they come in a range of colors and features yo.
I don’t think anyone did start slamming the model till she went out of her way to put her 2 cents in. Btw she’s half european and the rest fiji and tongan, as in pacific islander the article was about Senegelese twists. Please can we stop with this whole self identifies as black thing it’s getting out of control.…