The kidnapping of a loved one trope is used all the damn time. NOW it’s a problem?
The kidnapping of a loved one trope is used all the damn time. NOW it’s a problem?
Me too. Unless someone was like, “I worked for Trump. He was a kind, generous, intelligent, and restrained man.”
I will unconditionally believe every single word about this man. If someone writes in to say he has a fetish for German circus clowns, I will believe it. If another person writes in to say that Trump makes his employees watch Beetlejuice once a year for motivational purposes, I will believe it. If someone details the…
You’re right. It’s pure racism. Let me preface this by saying I am biracial and not very dark - most of my make falls in the honey, tan, sun-kissed, warm, etc category. I’ve been in quite a few (too many) weddings in the last couple of years and I’ve found that the last thing I want to do on a day that’s going to…
I don’t even understand how that’s possible other than pure racism. I did makeup in amateur theater productions and we always made sure we had makeup for the skin tones of every actor or we just had nothing for anyone (including my own ghost pale self who has ended up in clown makeup more than once). If you’re a…
He started the class. It was his idea. It’s not like some Dean decided “gee, we should do a class on Beyonce” and assigned it to this guy.
I also think that it’s a lot of, like, white women in college who are just learning about feminism, and are all, “but it’s not FEMINIST to OBJECTIFY YOURSELF and wear SKIMPY OUTFITS and make songs about putting a RING ON ‘IT’” and so on. A lot of people who are still stuck in the second wave and don’t understand…
I have had it with this motherfucking lack of cameras on this motherfucking plane!
It’s not surprising to me that most people will think using Beyonce’s name to teach a class on black feminism is stupid. Beyonce is not what white feminist want as the face of THEIR movement. I mean, it’s not enough that Beyonce screams FEMINIST from the mountain tops while other white celebrities are afraid to use…
FFS, she is arguably the one of most successful black women in history. She has had a long career with innumerable hit songs, and it makes her an interesting subject in pop culture. Yeah, for some CRAZY reason a celebrity gossip website for women is actually talking about her. Go back under your bridge please.
Standing up in a crooked room is precisely what we have to do.
Arnaz wasn’t even brown! He was a “highborn” Cuban, which is to say, no black blood but lots of Spanish. Bitch was white by law.
This picture is actually a great example of how racism always underlies brownface, blackface, and yellowface. The shade of brown is completely different from Desi Arnaz’s skin tone, the guy has not made the same effort to emulate Arnaz’s distinctive hair, and he is making facial and hand gestures not at all associated…
Well I guess since Bobby didn’t want to do literally ANYTHING ELSE to make a costume, not a wig or an appropriate shirt, blatant racism was the only way to go.
Don’t do brownface ever at all is actually a good tenet by which to live one’s life
Is her son dressed up as her husband?! Like, this is a couples costume. Couples do this. Tacky horrible couples, but still. Couples.
Racist incest. cool.