
They haven’t kept up with ANY of the multitude of studies that show that IUD’s are perfectly safe for nulliparous women. Clearly they’re running on outdated and bad science.

Like, I really just want to walk up to a Republican politician in Colorado and ask him: “Look at the data. Now tell me why you do not want this funded.” Because my brain cannot comprehend what he could possibly say to justify not continuing this program. Cannot. Compute.

“Our customers are rich enough to buy cashmere, and do that skinny-white-girl thing where they lick a bit of frosting off a cupcake whilst proclaiming how much they love to eat, but never actually eat the cake”

Yeah let’s be honest, the target market for this line is 100% basic bitches whose idea of “style” is Instagramming themselves holding a big ass pink frosted donut while smiling blandly in their white blouse and size 4 leather shorts. Maybe also with a J. Crew bubble necklace in a neon accent color and a little dog or

Ugh. I clicked on that link to her blog and holy cow, batman. Its like a parody of a basic white girl blog. So skinny. So blonde. So vanilla. The basic-ness is so strong. The whiteness is stronger still.

On a tall girl, it most certainly is skinny.

It really means “I am a basic bitch who watched Sex & The City and learned that cupcakes are the utmost in girly guilty pleasure food, and that cashmere was the utmost in quality clothing”.

Agreed. And lol at size 8 = “skinny.”

I think it means “I want my blog about fashion to appear so effortless that I am intentionally implying that one can eat and be fashionable at the same time.”

I’m not an expert on the fashion industry (despite my many hours of watching Project Runway) but it’s probably not that easy to convince the people funding and distributing your line to let you manufacture tons of pieces in a huge range of sizes. For one, it’s additional production costs that they have to eat if the

And for those trying to engage to even say things like, “I’m sure exclusiveness isn’t the vibe you’re going for here.” is so silly. Ummm, yeah, actually I’m sure that’s EXACTLY the vibe she’s going for.

As far as originality is concerned, I’d rank the collection a “vanilla cupcake with delicately swirled white frosting and sprinkles, photographed vertically on white marble for optimum Pinterest.” So, nice basics.

I’m just waiting for more comments.

So, uh, what’s the point of attempting to engage with the person who made this clothing line as though it were some sort of oversight not to make her clothes in the most widely worn sizes?

yeah, fuck that. i mean, sorry you haven’t previously noticed the existence of people bigger than a size 8, blogger, but trust that my money as a size 12 is just as green as a size 8’s. if you can’t be fucked to size for me from the start, then i can’t be fucked to visit your site ever again. i don’t beg people to

Yeah, I’m trying to hate, but really? This is par for the course in the world of fashion. Color me completely unshocked.

I don’t really like giving young teenagers IUDs/pills for contraception before they have at least completed a descent sex ed program that keeps reminding them about STDs.

Thank god kids never have sex before the age of consent, then.

Today, my friend who is 24 and unmarried but with a very serious boyfriend (doesn’t matter but whatever) went to her gynecologist to look into getting an IUD. Her doctor told her that they did not give the IUD to people unless they were married because there is “such a high risk of infection” as in STDs. My friend