
I kinda can’t help but wonder if it was a “well, foster care is better than having a young poor black mother” busybody asshole. Like someone made a judgement that “this woman won’t be a good mother” and passed a kid on to foster care.

Okay, not only is this a violation of everything good and decent in the universe, how, exactly, was this supposed to profit the hospital or whoever was stealing the babies? This poor woman ended up in foster care, not adopted.

They should absolutely sue, but I would hope there is also the potential for criminal charges. (Unless... can there really be a statute of limitations on child kidnapping?)

Fuck that shit. They should sue. Because you know if it was some white women, not only would they receive payouts in the millions, there would be at 3 mother fucking congressional hearing on the matter.

This happened in Spain en mass, the babies were kidnapped and sold by churches and hospitals. Yes I said churches. In one hospital in particular they even had a standard freezer baby which they would bring out to parents as proof of their babies death.

Humanity never ceases to disgust me. How terribly sad for these women.

Scapegoating or accountability? I feel like we know it was a neocon lead war, but it is surely worth looking at the cheerleaders, especially from supposed liberal institutions? I do get that we shouldn’t forget who actually started the war though.

“Turns out idiocy is bipartisan.”

I think the number of people holding their nose and voting for Hillary will far outnumber those supporting her ecstatically.

You missed the part about how Dick Cheney used Miller’s article to say, “it isn’t just us that think there are WMDs, even the liberal New York Times thinks so.” Of course he left out that he and his minions essentially wrote Miller’s piece for her. We only found that out years later.

Around 5th grade my father would send me to school with a thermos of theres that..

I ate entire packages of double stuffed oreos as a child (and maybe yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that), how am I not selling my body on the street corner for some of that sweet, delicious oreo creme?

Dude. No.

I think when they write things like this:

It may not be a “thing” in the sense of being a thing that happens frequently or even semi-frequently, but it is clearly a thing that happened to Leeza Pearson and her daughter.

IMHO if a school is going to be this strict with all of the rules concerning food, then they just need go ahead and don’t allow the kids to bring lunches from home. Have the cafeteria feed each student. That way they can be in complete control of what the kids are eating.

The amazing thing to me is despite the fact that police were called to the scene and there’s video evidence, no one has been arrested as of yet.

Can’t you just join instagram and see all the KK selfies you want for free?

You can almost see the thought bubble: “What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?! This is the most violence I have EVER BEEN EXPOSED TO IN MY LIFE”