
I don’t think it’s so much a “fear of missing out” on harassment as it is the implicit exclusion from the Club of Real Women Having Real Women’s Experiences. When the actual article starts out with “women are not a monolith, but for real, y’all, this is EVERY WOMAN’S STORY,” it’s easy to get the message, yet again,

I remember being 13 years old, working at a summer job with the maintenance crew at my moms work (the kids of the employees often got jobs over the summer doing menial tasks). The bosses daughter, who I had a major crash on, was working also and I got the guts to ask her out. When she said yes, I of course told all my

Please tell your daughters it is perfectly lady like and adorable to kick any man right in the nutsack if they make any kind of questionable advance.

One of the best most enlightening articles I’ve read about understanding issues women face. The idea that straight men fixate on adolescent girls is no big secret, but wow, is it creepy. Seems like there should be less talk about the gay agenda / gay marriage and America’s need to sexualize young girls.

How did I miss this?

I cried after finishing reading them all because they were so familiar. I told myself that my 8 year old self getting noticed that way was an exception by a complete creep. And now I know that’s not true. :/ My little girl is seven and just beautiful. What awaits her makes me both sad and apprehensive.

The sheer amount of stories that start or end with “I was 12” “I was 11” “I was 9” NINE! NINE FOR CHRISTSSAKES! I was flabberghasted sifting through all the stories shared. It makes me sick to my stomach....I can’t even articulate my rage right now.

I am also a single mother and I have this fucked up radar which zooms in on people saying coded shit about single mums.

If only Fred Gray could be like his son. Paul’s son was taken to the hospital before his most recent booking, while Mr. Gray’s cries of pain were ignored and medical attention delayed because he was being arrested.

It really is a no win situation, isn’t it? You peaceful discuss the issue, nobody listens, and nothing changes. . . you violently and loudly discuss the issue and everyone tells you that you have to calm down before they’ll listen.

I think a hundred years from now the period starting with Dr. King will be known as the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. That they’ll remember the early twenty-first century as the period when the internet allowed people to finally start to see what’s been going on all along, and that enabled the next steps.

“There’s a time and a a place for talking about root causes,” Paul said. (You can listen the audio here; we saw it via Talking Points Memo.) “But in the middle of a riot, you’ve got to have safety and security.... Root causes can be discussed.

I thought it was because police are murdering unarmed citizens with relative impunity.

All has to do with the “right” kind of people. White people= revelers, black people = thugs.

How passive aggressive can this asshole get? “There’s a time and a place for talking about root causes”, then blames single mothers for the state of Baltimore and closes with “But in the middle of a riot, you’ve got to have safety and security”. Did he end this radio appearance by sipping Lipton tea?

I love how when people destroy property because their sports team won, sports team lost, or because of a pumpkin festival, they’re just “rowdy fans” or “revelers”.

And let’s not forget, Rand, that Trayvon, Mike, etc. (and it fucking kills me to write “etc”) had ACTIVE mother and fathers, you ramen-headed dumb motherfucker.

Everybody get fathers RIGHT NOW so we can get safety and security. No time to talk about root causes. Chop chop, people!

I seriously wonder how kids a hundred years from now will look at this whole situation. Maybe i’m just naive or overly optimistic, but I wonder how people like Rand Paul or the people decrying destruction of property are not able to see they are are the segregationists of this era.

Are you fucking kidding me? And where were those cops’ fathers while they were growing up and were supposed to learn important lessons like, oh, I don’t know, “thou shalt not kill” and “racism is bad”?