“Violence is not the answer..” Cool, too bad about the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS the govt. spends on wars & planting ‘seeds of freedom’.
“Violence is not the answer..” Cool, too bad about the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS the govt. spends on wars & planting ‘seeds of freedom’.
This expression is my everything.
If I hear one more fucking white person in Baltimore complain about missing a fucking baseball game, I swear to god. Like, I’m devastated that this is happening to my city, don’t get me wrong. But I’m more devastated that my white neighbors really only care that their vapid consumerism has been disrupted and are…
There’s actually a bumper sticker for that, I’ve even seen it on actual cars.
I’ve been a geriatric nurse for ten years and seriously, elderly Christian white women are the MEANEST BITCHES ON THE PLANET.
My hand to “God”.
Amazing. My mouth opened and I said “ohhhh shit.” Awesome pastor.
The fake tip was definitely a “Your religion is obviously false because if Hell existed, my white hot rage would be summoning demons to drag you down to it” moment. You think it’s a $20 (on my god, I can pay my gas bill!) and then it unfolds to say “Gotcha! Christ’s love is no joke!” Neither is my vengeance, you twaz.
YESSSSS!!! Karma in all it’s glorious splendor!
And yet she was cool with going to heathen restaurants to be served by heathens?
As a friend of mine sometimes says, “Jesus loves you. The rest of us think you’re an asshole.”
Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.
Steakback Outhouse
Even though I knew from the title that the story had to have a happy ending, I felt my heart drop when I read “bus full of people 10 minutes before closing.” I’m pretty sure my serving career left me with a case of PTSD.
I believe the quote we’re looking for here is Matthew 7:3.
“she didn’t tip Sunday lunch waitstaff because she knew ‘that means they didn’t go to church.’”
I’m pretty sure that’s just “any pizza place with online ordering”
Pretty sure they left $3 total—hence the “stiffed me on the bill” rather than on the tip.
Apology pizzas should definitely be a thing. There’s a website where you can order a glitter bomb sent to people who’ve wronged you, why not a website where you can order a pizza sent to someone you’ve wronged?
Q: How many cops does it take to kick a poor person down the stairs?
A: He fell.