Having been to Gloversville for work, I'm not surprised that someone wanted/needed the supplemental income that only a grandma's dead body brings in.
Having been to Gloversville for work, I'm not surprised that someone wanted/needed the supplemental income that only a grandma's dead body brings in.
Live near me. I had that happen to a neighbour, I have been scarred for life. I check on my elderly neighbours whenever I don't see them daily - under the guise of bringing them some leftovers from supper or bringing over the dogs to visit. I will live with eternal guilt over my neighbour dying and being gone for a…
What does it say about my belief in human goodness that I went to "lazy" instead of "social security?"
I am very lazy and so, like, if it weren't bothering me I could see myself putting off a corpse removal until tomorrow. I would probably not do it, but I can see how it would happen. There's just so much TV to watch, you know?
That daughter and grandson sure are gonna miss their supplemental income, aka the dead lady's social security check.
I read it as "assassin" as well. #Readingishard
So we get a clear description of the truck, but no one even caught the guys skin color? Oh wait, we only identify suspects race when they're Black. My bad.
Yeah, I live in Denver.
Sooooooo fucked up. Terror on US soil and not a peep.
I'll one-up you: When I read the Gawker post, I read (skimmed) it as "NCAA" and wondered why everyone was being so somber about it, and made a sports joke. Like a dumbass. True story, bro!
You know, the NAACP may hesitate to say that this was a hate crime, but I'm not going to. This was a racist as shit terrorist attack, and I really wish that we'd start calling it that.
Yup. it was all over twitter yesterday but it's barely blipping in mainstream media. Also, I notice that they have the joint terrorism task force on the scene, and yet no one is calling it a terrorist attack.
I won't. He's obviously a right-wing racist trying to start the Race War. It's what conservatives like to do.
When will white people demand of themselves that they do better? There's a culture of lawlessness that they breed and I don't know why the rest of us put up with it.
Goddamnit 2015, it's too soon for this shit. GET IT TOGETHER.
The post racial society is here!
He said he was hesitant to call the explosion a hate crime without more information...