*Begin Sarcasm*
*Begin Sarcasm*
Yet again, people are emphasizing women's roles in avoiding rape as opposed to teaching boys that it's never ever OK to commit a sexual assault.
i would kill for her to go on the daily show
Schools should be doing more. A lot of parents are incapable of teaching the right things to their kids.
Did Princeton Mom's kid rape somebody? I mean, seriously, is that why she's so desperately trying to downgrade rape to a playground bullying incident?
OK this is pretty wonderful.
Dude bros lose ten billionty points for using a knife! Sister here used just her hand.
I never have understood the appeal of the Madden brothers, but if Nicole Richie and Cameron Diaz are on board, there must be something.
i would say if boy: Artisanal chiseled abs
Right? How dare her for living life on her terms instead of looking to satisfy keyboard (and/or MRA) warriors.
i know they say it's tough for actresses of "a certain age" to find work, but it must be nice to be able to choose NOT to work for 6 years because "meh" and still have that nice garden in which to putter. vs. living in a box under the bridge.
My wife's friends shutdown one their vegan friends at a Denny's at 2 am once. The vegan ordered last and kept bugging the waitress to ask the chefs to wash the pan before they cooked her dish of vegetables or whatever the fuck entree she ordered. The friends immediately told her to cut that shit out cause we didn't…
Funny thing is I went to a indian restaurant last friday and ordered very, very, spicy chicken aloo and they asked me 3 times, "are you sure?" I said yes, extra, extra, spicy. I think they Americanized spiced it since it wasn't hot to me at all, like even eating half a bottle of siraracha would have been hotter than…
I'll have you know i'm wearing DIOR.
Well, he is <i>very important</i>.
Kitchenette's new tag line should be "GLUTEN... IT'S CARCASS FREE!"
I bet you make monogrammed thermoses for a living.
Bad: had to return to work today post holidays.
I used to work at an "Italian" restaurant which I won't name—rhymes with "Shmolive Garden"