but we don't bat an eye at Ben Roethlisberger
but we don't bat an eye at Ben Roethlisberger
Clearly, Pitt still has access to the world's best weed.
The author could post it as a missed connection. "You're pregnant, and you and your son flew out from [airport] to visit your parents on [date]. Your husband whose first name is [name], unless that was another thing he likes to lie about, was trolling for hookups on Craigslist that day and tricked me into dating him.…
I am guy, but the red flag I see is his getting too close in personal zone, (hands around her waist) on the first date.. First date is about being on best behavior and respecting one's boundaries.. Anyway, movies are bad first date material..
Has there ever been, in the history of the universe, a guy that came on too strong that wasn't a total nightmare?
I had a guy tell me on our third date all about how he planned to be remarried with another child at least on the way within five years. I was all "neat plan, dude" until I realized he was talking about *our* future, not his. Then I was like "I'll just stop wasting your time now". He broke up with my voicemail a…
Seriously. It's usually a bad idea for the "other woman" to go to the wife, but in this case...poor lady deserves to know. She's about to have 2 kids with this loon.
I'd run away if someone said that to me in the first six months. Half an hour? Burn the building. Salt the earth. Run.
Absolutely. That is some Grade-A creeper fodder right there. Best-case scenario, he's trying to manipulate you into moving faster than you want; worst-case, he's going to wind up murdering you and wearing your skin like a suit.
Well, if I was a woman in New York with one child already and another on the way and had recently taken a trip to visit my mother, I might have some suspicions.
Yes, my reaction to that was, "Run for your life!"
Yeah I read that and was like "RUN FORREST, RUN!"
I hate it when I'm trying to put peanut butter on my ferret and he's just not having it.
"I'm ready to settle down" within what sounds like the first half hour of the date? No. Absolutely not. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Get your ass home.
What the hell?! I mean WHAT THE HELL? This dude is scum. If I was the woman I would tell his wife everything!! This poor woman is going off to visit family and her crappy husband is wining and dining some other woman? Some woman that he basically trapped on Craigslist?! Ugh some men suck such balls....I can't…
"I chose you," he said, explaining to her that he had a thing for redheads (Oh good, never mind then about being a cheating asshole). "You were special." Everyone, please grab your eyeballs before they roll into the back of your head. (Coincidentally his infatuation and interest with her disappeared as soon as his…