
Ooh, I want to hear Russell's hot take on Winter's Tale. "Sure, Colin Farrell, you can totally pull off playing a 21-year-old. But that 25-year-old actress playing opposite you, also pretending to be 21? She needs to act her age."

That's right. When men are that age, they don't pretend to be hard-hitting action heroes: they just have themselves digitally remastered into an idealized youthful form.

I know it was an award winning movie about the mentally ill and all that, but it still squicks me out that Brad Garner and Jennifer Lawrence were age-appropriate love interests in Silver Linings. I saw the movie (reluctantly) and enjoyed it (I disgust myself), but ... no. That does not need to be the norm.

Exactly. And I wouldn't throw Meryl Streep's name around too much in arguments like his because Streep is the first one who will tell you that she is the exception to the rule. She's talked about this a billion times.

I quote Tina Fey at the golden globes last year

Honestly, it was the first thing that popped into my head reading those quotes. WTF ever, Russ.

I believe it was Tina Fey who said: "Helen Mirren is not proof that there are parts for older women, Helen Mirren is proof that there are parts for Helen Mirren."

I suspect the problem is not that women won't "act their age," but that there are so few roles written for women in their 40s, 50s and beyond in which they can be protagonists. Men who are Crowe's age are seen as pivotal, sexual, and dynamic; too often women at that age are relegated to being the helpful wife, the

Dearest Russell,

If you are trying to pretend that you're still the young buck when you're my age, it just doesn't work.

Oh come now. If someone had walked in when I was being raped it would have been one of the best moments of my life if they "drove him out with force" which is what the article states. Not that he beat him half to deal for the fun of it, but that he ended the threat to another person's autonomy.

Our troll visitors seem really upset that a man was stopped from exercising his right to rape by some white knight beta mangina.

What makes the nephew an asshole?

I'll remind you of that when you walk in on someone you love being raped.

Yeah, it sounds like the nephew physically stopped the assault and drove the uncle out of the house and away from the girlfriend. If he packed a little extra force in those throws and enjoyed seeing his p.o.s. uncle's face turn to pulp... well, I can't blame him.

i showed my mother the photo and before i could tell her what happened she said, "ebola is horrible"

This headline makes it sound like an instance of vigilantism. A guy found his girlfriend being assaulted by his uncle so he used force to end the assault and remove the Uncle. Then he called the cops who got there before the uncle returned, and arrested him when he eventually did return.

The Conservative media will never be happy. Obama could give everyone in America a puppy and they'd say it was an act of aggression because some people are allergic.