

Apparently she really loves her tacos flavored with spit?

I know, right? It’s like, there’s being an asshole, there’s being a colossal asshole, there’s fifty miles of epic assholerdom, and then there’s this fucking shit. She’s not even trying to hide it.

You’re probably contractually obligated to when you purchase this plane.

OH and wood paneling! It’s some kinda 70s lounge dream. And raspberry velvet, to boot! I want to join the mile high club in this plane.

Shitty father, husband, businessman, President, human being, etc......the list is practically endless.

Yeah, the we’re using our art as therapy bit is funny. More like we’re gonna turn our marital problems into a cash cow ;)

My best friend and I just had this conversation last night. She’s so over these two and everybody talking about how great they are because everything about them is so fake and orchestrated. I was like about Solange elevatorgate? My friend: staged. So as soon as this dropped I sent her a link and she responded “Ugh the

I guarantee your friends are still there even if there is distance. There IS a water fountain and it’s your friends. If you are ready to reach out they’ll listen. I hope you’re ok.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. And you are being brave to even share your experience here. I understand how these type of things can fuck you up.

This hit so hard I am in tears. Thank you for defying your low battery to share the quote. <3

It’s all about getting people to vote. If you’re already voting, organizing the people who aren’t doing it yet. Get the phone tree up and running, get the rides arranged, the child care. Help everyone who can’t easily get to the polls to send in an early ballot request and follow up to make sure it gets mailed in. If

I’m so sorry. I relate to it very much as well too. Particularly the eating disorder and sexual abuse aspects.

Thanks, it was many years ago, the ex before my husband. But I never dealt with it. I squashed it all down by being the perfect wife, the best mom, a community activist. Then the pussy grabber was elected, #metoo stories started coming out and I fell apart. I’m doing EMDR therapy and trying to stop blaming myself for

I agree. We should straight see people with their hair on fire. Instead too many are mumbling about ‘politics’. You cannot say this is normal often or loudly enough.

I’m fucking terrified. I saw this break on Twitter the other day and between this, 45 straight up saying he wants “[his] people” to sit up and take notice the way Kim Jong Un’s “people” do for him, and the child concentration camps, I am really, no-hyperbole, scared. And I almost feel crazy because I feel like I’m not

She only filed for divorce she’s still married to him but he apparently has picked up with some married woman and all I can think of is :WHY???? Who on earth wants him?? I can NOT FATHOM why any normal , reasonably attractive woman of ANY age would want him?

I have a problem with your rating of Ted Cruz. I am actively afraid of punching ‘ol Ted in the face for fear of his mushy flesh absorbing my hand, and that contact continuing as his squishy form devoured me arm first as I scream in terror.

So I believe he should have a negative score.

How is Cruz not a full 100 Shkrelis!?

So I am guessing that Richard Spencer is one of the few people in this world that can actually break 100 on this scale?