
She comes from a privileged upbringing, has never had to worry about her financial future, healthcare costs, what kind of schools her kids would go to, and on and on and on. To talk about how horrible it would be for others to get the smallest taste of that kind of security is is disgusting. Meghan is the worst, whites

I already knew you would get backlash for this idiot ass comment. It’s unfortunate you’re entitled to your opinions when they only incite hate and racism. You are what’s wrong with this country. You’re white but other sane anti-racist white people are not proud of you. I hope you don’t have children. They are going to

You gotta do better than this if you’re gonna troll on a site called The Root. Try again.

RIP Nia Wilson. There are already several ways in which this story is being reported locally - among them, that it was “random”, that this dude was a “transient” (keep in mind that the sisters and this POS boarded the same train out in Concord, and this happened at the MacArthur station in Oakland), and also blending

Guy was a complete idiot. Everyone know you get the best Russian women from emails sent by Irina. They can’t wait to meet you for true love!!

I have a new article about Jungian psychology and whiteness – written by a white man, even – that I’m handing out copies to of any wypipo who’ll even think about reading it. Their projecting is a HUUUUUUUUUGE source of the problem. This incredibly hypocritical white dude numbskull – also, gay Republican, really???

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

Kinda missed the point. Didn’t condone the action, pointed out the swiftness that this woman was charged with compared to white people doing the same thing and often waiting weeks and months to be charged or often nothing being done. She deserves to be punished as do the white people that have done the same and

She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.

You are a true gem. Also, I have Oprah’s number. Don’t tell Gayle.

I would very much enjoy the money and the ability to ride Prince Hot Ginge’s royal fleshscepter whenever I wanted, but everything else about being a royal sounds like a lesser level of hell to me. She held her husband’s elbow at an event? She crossed her legs at the knee? She expressed an opinion?!?! CRUCIFY THE HUSSY.

Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure it was difficult. It helps when people speak up about this so others can too.

I think Melania just overdid it with the fillers. Plus, picking a double that actually looks like Melania wouldn’t be BoneSpur’s style. He’d pick a completely different looking (and much younger) woman and then declare that this was what Melania has always looked like and only someone who hates America and loves MS-13

As someone (male) who was molested from the age of ~10 to ~13, thank you for writing this. It’s next to impossible for children to know that what’s happening isn’t right, especially when it comes from an authority figure, and I’m very glad you didn’t shrug it off.

To the author: Sharing this story will save children from abusive situations and will stop abusers. I am so sorry for the pain you’ve experienced, thank you for pushing through that to help others. 

Just wanted to say that I am so sorry and thank you for sharing this. 

I’ve worked in law enforcement for 20 years. Sadly, many parents aren’t like you.  For what it is worth, great job. You took action immediately. This isn’t your fault, or hers.  I’m so sorry. 

Know that you have to work extra hard to earn the trust and good faith of non-white people. Don’t take it personally. You know that most white people have given all white people a bad name. Since that is a truth you fully embrace, let the hurt of being excluded or distrusted roll off your back. As a race, we have

Don’t let racist shit slide around you; call it out, loudly. Racism and it’s cure lie with us. We cannot sit back and hope white supremacy ends by letting POC fight it. White supremacy is a white people problem and it doesn’t get better if we turn a blind eye.

The place we go is hopefully the place where more white people acknowledge why people of color reach the point where they don’t want to fuck with them anymore. At that point it becomes the responsibility of white people, and not the rest of us, to try and do better. If they can’t do better, they will continue to be