
This was the problem during the primaries and the election. He was treated as a viable candidate, regardless of what offensive or ridiculous thing he said. And so the media helped make him a viable candidate. And then he won. Now he wants to destroy them. #complicit

I submit the following summary of the events of the last week as irrefutable proof that we are all in hell and Satan has an amazingly developed sense of humor:

The difference between God and Donald Trump, is that God does not think that He is Donald Trump.

Yeah so fuck these morons and Team Dark Meat (not a euphemism).

I know relationships are constant work and being monogamous can be hard, especially if you nasty rich like Jay-Z but let me tell you something, if I had Beyonce in the bed with me all like that. I’d be working harder than a coal mine mule in August to make her happy AF.  

I feel very blessed that my most severe depression is a distant memory. But I retain it so that I will always know how one gets to the place that tells you that everyone would be better off without you. I’m grateful every day that my first attempt didn’t work, and I wasn’t “brave” enough to complete the 2nd. One thing

Depression is a lying bastard

As someone who has survived several of my own suicide attempts and also lost a partner to suicide, the amount of pain you are in when you make such decisions, the degree of your suffering, and the binds that depression put on what you can see as possible put you in a state of mind that’s difficult to describe and

Depression is a lying bastard, and will tell you things exactly like that.

If it was depression that caused this- yes.

Yeah, what I didn’t say but feel very deeply is that he would have done so many more good things for #MeToo, and that he won’t have the chance feels so terrible.

LOVE that picture of our forever FLOTUS Michelle!

God I love his reaction to the punchline, it’s so human and real. I wish that we had more Cleavon Little.

I bet they won’t try that crap with Sasha. She will show up at your house to play catch them hands.

Eric Trump at a gala:

Not only handsomer in person than in pictures, Eric is tall, even taller than his father.

Thing is here I don’t believe he’s pandering - no one’s inviting him anywhere, he’s just said something that aligned with the rest of his current oeuvre of “fuck these people” statement pieces.

How else do you think these people sleep at night?