
People tend to be fond of things they created…

You talk my kinda language.

No one who was “scared for their life” or traumatized by the event would turn around and flaunt the fact that they had to take a life with such cavalier disregard. No one who had a near death experience would turn self-defense into celebrity. So to each and every one of you who continues to talk about Georgie as if he

So Yeah uh to the white women that set this monster free you gonna start a hastag for this or not? Remember the jury that found him not guilty was comprised of white women. Remember this and Tuesday in Alabama next time they start crying over shit. As for this fat fuck I want his ass to come out of hiding. Yeah George

When this piece of shit murdered Trayvon Martin, the solace that many felt was that the murderer would have to live with the fact that deep down inside, this piece of shit murderer would have to live with the fact that he murdered someone. Guess not. He murdered someone and could care less. Sometimes the world we live

It’s like hes asking to be taken out.

The funny part is most white people wouldn’t even consider him white - he looks pretty “exotic” compared to my pastiness. Trump’s America would stop him and ask for his papers and ICE would already be called. But he got a pass with racists because he murdered a black boy and brags about it to this day.

I stand by what I said.

The eternal president tenderly holds a child, spreading warmth and peace the world over. Simultaneously in the White House, Trump briefly chokes while shoving fourteen cold French fries in his gullet. Horking a couple out on the rug, he then wipes most of the spittle off with the back of his tiny hand.

Woman! You had this one moment, this one chance. ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN! If you had just spoken the truth. I couldn’t invite you, but I bet a lot of people would have invited you back to the BBQ. There’s still time. Do the right thing. Pleeeeeeease, do the right thing.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

I’ve been wrongfully imprisoned was terrifying. I can’t inagine what it was like for her. I was an adult but because of a clerical error, literally someone just leaving a piece of paper on their desk instead of filing it, I answered a doorbell one night to find multiple cops fully kitted out asking for

That applies to H&M and Forever21 but I’m not sure that Nike and Eddie Bauer fall under the category of “fast fashion”. This post points out that some items discarded are blankets and coats, no need to send those outside the country there are plenty of organizations in NYC alone that are requesting winter clothing and

Women are mostly raised to hate themselves, I can’t imagine to what degree in Alabama.

Being a woman among conservative men means you have to be anti-woman as a survival skill. The racism and all else is a factor, but ultimately you cannot fit in with conservative men (and many liberal ones) without supporting their power over women.

My (probably shitty) take:

As usual, black women go hard in the paint.

He looks like he wants to take away my healthcare.

Because Lauer was a white male who was moderately good at his job. Therefore it was taken for granted he was the ONLY reason the show was having any success it was. The women were considered fluff and therefore, replicable.

I think we know why the women were rotated through quickly. Why no one ever thought, “Hey, maybe we should just replace the guy who’s the problem instead of the women who did nothing wron,” tells you how deeply ingrained misogyny is in everything.