
EXCUSE ME?!? No police report means it didn’t happen?!! Only 35 percent of rapes are reported, for various depressing reasons. I can’t believe you said that.

Sort of off/on topic: I read that Weinstein said he believes that all of his relationships were consensual.

As I have referenced before, I lived in this man’s district pretty much the entire time he was in Congress, over 15 years, and he has been despicable every day of it (not to mention for years before, when he was in the PA senate). There’s more backstory here about what a delight he was:

This is beneath the enviably high standards of Jezebel.

In all fairness, though, he’s kind of a psycho.

Goddammit. I was just having a quiet one-person schadenfreude party, reposting everything I could find about my asshole anti-choice married former congressman getting caught telling his girlfriend to get an fun.

Consider moving to Canada. Seriously. My kids are grown, but I texted my daughter today to ask if her new company has any branches in Canada. It might change the content of your posts a bit, but you’d find a way.

Nope, I don’t think that would do it either,

Never watched the show. Totally hoping that God will chill.

Doug. I swoon for Doug.

Da fuck?

This is what my sister tells me, and I’ve read it a few other places. Clearly a wingnut talking point.

Who are these people? I don’t know who they are. Are they both famous separately or just together? Are they famous mainly because they’re both nice-looking?

Nope, it is absolutely on point, and thank God poor Bess isn’t here to see it. Or even Lady Bird Johnson.

I didn’t like the Clintons in the early ‘90s, I didn’t like Bill as President, and I’m still underwhelmed by Hillary. But there’s no doubt in my mind that a male Hillary would have beaten Trump. So the crux of it all is misogyny.

Back in 1980 (well, really late 1979 but that sounds even longer ago), when I was just out of college and trying to start a career in radio, I was treated to the following pro tip from a small-town program director: “Men don’t like to listen to women, and women don’t like to listen to women.”

Yeah, live it up while you can. You’ll find out. 😄😄

Oh my God, thank you!! I now understand my brain, divorce + 2 years and 60 - 6 weeks. Pretty sweet place in some ways, but I must confess to a dearth of fucks where m*n are concerned.

Hear hear, girlfriend. 😊

This is why God created the Internet, guys.