
Thank you!

Can anyone explain the apparently tortuous legality behind DACA? Dreamers can “work and study” in the US but what? They can’t just “live”here?

God, I hate that I love this. Can I go even farther and say that she apparently blew the campaign budget on her FB profile pic?

Can I just mention that a lot of Canadian TV is better than US. My avatar’s show, Trailer Park Boys, is a fine example. I like It’s Always Sunny, but they stole a lot from TPB (just listen to the theme songs).

As the parent of two children who needed mucho psychological help in their teens, I share your joy. Mine are now 24 and 22. Can’t report a happy ending, necessarily, because neither has gotten too far with college, and both have had their setbacks.

Marjorie is such a good movie. Joel Osteen is such a huge asshole.

Rich white Republican man.

Another reason to hate the fucking internet - and 24 hour news too: we can spend all of our time looking at countless images of destruction and human suffering. We gorge on it, much to the delight of cable news, etc. We all have our half-assed opinions and, even better, can argue with each other about it online night

I think this is the best thing you’ve written, and that’s saying something. It’s like they’re saying “Yeah, we wanted an asshole, just not this big of an asshole!”

This is some damn good writing. Thank you.

I’m really glad the context of this picture was explained. I saw it on Saturday and was a little disturbed. But yeah, good for Long.

Troll alert.

If you’re trying to ambush the police, you probably don’t want to GO UP TO THEIR CAR AND SLAP IT.

I’m so terribly sorry for you, your child, and your family. Thank you for sharing your insight.

I absolutely agree. I hate Donald Trump with every fiber of my being. At the same time, I’m pushing 60 and underemployed, but I do have a decent amount of retirement $$ put away. That money’s doing pretty well right now. It fucking kills me to know Trump being president has something to do with this. And I want him