
The most sympathetic defense I have heard is that you basically just throw a party/BBQ and invite your friends and family, and do this “reveal” nonsense (hopefully sans forest fire) at some point during - no gifts or anything. But I’ve never been to one, or heard of anyone I know having one, and I think it’s tacky

yup, exactly. also a cyclist and I will be goddamed if there’s anything better than a mcdonalds cheeseburger and a fountain coke when you’re close to bonking. My husband knows a guy who has done science on this: basically fast food is just as good for “recovery” as expensive gus and gels and bars and shit - I will try

There’s also the fact that the students from my city got subsidized or free lunches so we stood in a DIFFERENT line from the other kids to get our food. They had booths and Round Table pizza, we had 2 long tables and styrofoam lunch trays with pizza that was pretty gross, honestly.

Can I just give a holler for making your own vinaigrette when you’re at home?

The extremely overweight couple angrily debating whether sugar makes you fat or not that I overheard at a NW Indiana McDonald’s soda fountain* last weekend?

oh man, so glad I am not alone.  I lived in NY for two miserable years between 2011-2013 and fucking Baked by Melissa gives me flashbacks.  It was just the worst of everything Manhattan had to offer, IMO.

don’t quote me on that, emphatically not a legal-type person, just feel like I read that somewhere.

I like “intimate partner violence” - it doesn’t have the “just a little lover’s quarrel!” connotations that domestic violence unfortunately has for some folks, is gender/orientation blind, and really captures the essential qualities (to me, at least).  Also does not require cohabitation, which (in my very limited

I live nearby, too - my husband said the U of C campus was nearly shut down police presence was so heavy.

And, to add to your list of horrific intimate partner murders this week, the shooting that killed 3 (4 if you count the gunman) at a Chicago hospital started as a man attacking his former fiancee in the parking lot of the hospital at which she worked.

Well of course - because Hotmail has obvious sexual overtones and is out of the question. If he accidentally emailed an unrelated woman from a Hotmail account without BCC’ing Mother for safety, the Devil would surely rejoice, for that is Satan’s domain.

I’m a friggin 34 A (aka not that small) and...yes.  I pretty much wear what could be generously described as “lacey sports bras” but probably are actually training bras.  I try to find them in black/sheer so they look more adult and less...upsettingly prepubescent.  But since bras with real cups that fit an actual A

YUP. I race bikes and people spend all kinds of fancy money on beet recovery shakes, bars, water enhancers, and all kinds of other spandex-clad nonsense. I will tell you right now that there is no better recovery food than a McDs two-cheeseburger value meal and it’s like $4 for all of the post-race calories (and fat,

your friend is a gd hero.  

All the rural (public) schools my cousins went to have started taking their high school students to the Right To Life protests every year

yeah, I’ve been trying to get pregnant and cycle tracking has been amazing - both for the obvious reasons (fucking on the right days!) but also it’s SUPER great to know when your “burn it all to the ground” mood is because your period is due tomorrow.  For what it’s worth, I’ve been using Fertility Friend for ~ a

Yeah, given the situation, I can’t hate on Ivanka for not having a whole ton of love for Melania. Luckily I have about 1,834,967 other reasons to hate her so one less isn’t much of a noticeable loss in the pantheon of my deep and abiding hatred for everything Trump.

yeah this is the rationale for my “two life phases” rule for marriage.  which I’ve only tested once, but worked for me.  basically, you need to make it through at least one major life change (moving, graduating, job change, etc.) before considering marrying someone - you need to see them in a few different contexts

Yeah, I mean, unless we’re talking a time scale of years, or crazy high temps, vinegar-based condiments are going to be just fine in your average pantry. Given that Ina probably goes through stuff pretty quickly, and has enough money to AC her house (LUXURY, imo), this is fine. Americans tend to be super

glad it wasn’t just me. and now, god/whoever willing, we will go the rest of our lives without thinking of John Mayer’s dick again.