
okay, in the vein of “ambiguous things John Mayer says” I literally just today realized what he meant by ‘david duke cock’ (I had never heard the beginning ‘Benetton heart’ bit).  For some reason my naive little brain assumed that David Duke was known to have a monster cock, and John Mayer also had a huge cock?  But

I was being a little tongue in cheek (forgive me); I think my actual take is pretty much exactly that.

I think that’s a possibility, but I am completely willing to believe that there are survivors of sexual assault and rape who lash out at other survivors (particularly those who are speaking out) because they were sexually assaulted the “right” way (being raped by a stranger, not by acquaintances at a party; they kept

I’m now seeing some pro-Trump/conservative women on Twitter saying “I was raped/molested” as a means of somehow legitimizing their attacks on Kavanaugh’s accusers.

Also, public forgiveness (whatever that’s worth) and a general perception of fitness for the Supreme Court would be entirely contingent upon Kavanaugh acknowledging his behavior and apologizing for it. Which is not the tack he has taken, to put it lightly.

yup, my money’s on this. and now he’s angry that he spent his youth being so good and following all the rules he set for himself (no P-I-V, basically), and he’s getting called out for it.  like, he knew rape was bad, but no one told him that “almost rape” and “stick your dick in her face” and “gang rape spectating”

To pull out an old trope - AS THE MOTHER OF DAUGHTERS, think about what she’s teaching her kids about complicity, consent, and personal morals.  Those poor kids are in a shit enough position learning about the kind of man their dad is, but they’re also learning about what “good women” are expected to to do cover for

I actually think it’s a lot more credible that he’s not going full Craig Mazin (not to say that I don’t love everything that comes out of Mazin’s mouth, because I do). Honestly, I am sure I have former roommates that don’t love me, but Roche doesn’t come across as having an axe to grind - he just wants the world to

Honestly I’m totally willing to believe this calendar is authentic. Like, sure, the future lawyer held on to his calendars - weird but no biggie. What I am not willing to grant is that this is in any way exculpatory - and it’s beyond disingenuous that Kavanaugh and Republicans writ large are implying that it is. I did

This just seems like Chinese Wegmans, tbh. (to be clear, I’m totally into it, except hotpot seems uniquely unsuited to be post-manicure food).

Yeah, I think we can appreciate his approach here without simultaneously endorsing his presidential run.

And if this is the road they choose to go down, I will find it necessary to comment that I have been blackout drunk a non-zero number of times (I’m not proud; grad school was not my finest half-decade) and I am quite confident that the worst thing I’ve done in that state is over-share, cry at a party or two about boys,

I honestly would be very very pro every single teenage girl who gets sexually assaulted at a party to call the FBI and demand an investigation. Just absolutely swamp their phone lines. It’s entirely too much to ask of teenagers who are reeling from being sexually assaulted (MUCH LIKE CHRISTINE FORD) but the President

Sexual assault and attempted rape is absolutely a crime. It’s just the kind of crime that most victims choose to deal with privately because the result of reporting is very often public shaming and authorities finding reasons that the crime was actually kinda your fault (and very rarely any sort of consequences for

Before someone tries to compare it to locking your door, it is not the same thing. This is defending yourself from harassment by your employer. It would be more like changing the lock on your door to prevent your landlord from robbing you, at the risk of getting evicted for changing the locks.

oh, for sure.  we dug our own grave here.

Yeah, but at that point we’re already fucked for the next four decades.

We clearly have different challenges, and if I could donate my extra sleeve length to you, I would.

Thumb holes are the best! Particularly if you’re taking gloves on and off - your sleeve doesn’t get all crammed up in your coat sleeve, it sits nicely under your glove with no gaps. Would not wear fishing or for water sports (either kind), however.

One of the minor tragedies of this entire debacle is that Mark Judge is a published author of sorts, when the are so many amazing writers in this world toiling unknown.