
I think this is the right take. Lord knows what people would have thought of me if my 15-year-old self had millions of dollars, enough access to famous people to have an extremely weird social circle, and a worldwide internet platform that people paid attention to.

I thought it reflected the division between the “real” Trump kids and Tiffany and Barron. I have a feeling that no matter how old Tiffany gets (or if she marries, or has kids) she’ll never be lumped in with Don Jr/Ivanka/Eric. Which is obviously to her immense benefit as a human because I can’t think of a bigger

God it’s gonna fuck Barron up when he learns that little tidbit. “I was named after my dad...’s pathetic and utterly transparent persona he used when calling reporters to brag about himself?”

The Wickstead dress has sort of a 70s off-the-shoulder gauzy shirt vibe, which is hard to pull off, boobs-wise.

Yeah the bodice is completely different as well. I am sorry but there are only so many ways to do “bridal long sleeved boat neck” and this bitch* doesn’t have a trademark on all of them.

“Romance novelist cum porn star cum CrossFit athlete/douche”, even.

And this header pic reminds me that I am ‘shipping Stormy and Avenatti. If I can’t have him, she should. I honestly think they’d be perfect together.

Def not my usual type...but he can get it.

Yeah I’d like a whole separate post about her pants. I love them. My life is really not conducive to metallic leather pants but I am still sitting here wondering if I could pull them off.

I would die alongside you. That would be the absolute pinnacle of White House Press Corps trollery, and I 100% support it.

I feel like “no substitutions, no removals” is fine as a policy to streamline a kitchen as long as you’re up front about it. I have to assume it’s easier to cook the exact same thing 10 times than it is to cook 10 slightly different iterations. I definitely an an occasional subber when I order but I’d be totally fine

or it’s dozens of press photos of Javanka with DJT’s face clumsily photoshopped over Jared’s.

Just imagine the chaos that could be wrought in the event that someone figured out how to get into his twitter account and tweet as him. Like, far from the most sophisticated type of hacking, but I bet it’s totally do-able for the right kind of mischievous teenager (or demagogue). Someone could start a literal war in

Yep, in exactly the same way that an abuser doesn’t start off being abusive on Day 1. If people like this published books that were only violent misogynist ranting, no one would buy them. If you package it with 90% reasonable self-help advice, all of a sudden it’s a whole lot more palatable (and dangerous).

Have you been to Manhattan anytime in the last 40 years?

Have you been to Manhattan anytime in the last 40 years?

Well, someone has to invoke Godwin’s Law so it might as well be me: this is a reasonable approximation of the tone, thematic overtones, and fidelity to grammar and spelling I’d expect if Hitler had had Twitter down in that bunker in spring 1945.

I feel like it’s loosely germane that I was pretty into Jason Mraz my sophomore year of college, and only my sophomore year of college. I haven’t listened to his later stuff (I’m actually sort of shocked he’s still relevant?) but I would gamble that it’s not emotionally (or otherwise) complex.

Ah, yes, it WAS kvass! I forgot the name and assumed it was the same thing. Man, Russia - one country, so many fermented dairy drinks!

That I do not know. It was from a street vendor*, and I did not inquire as to its provenance.