
The only thing we have going for us in that scenario (where Trump is impeached/leaves office before 2020, and Pence runs) is that Pence is utterly devoid of charisma. Which is fine for a VP but people like their presidents to have some verve. He could slink into the background and evangelical-mumblecore his way

My assumption has been that admitting to lying/the affair/the NDA was viewed as preferable to admitting that Cohen violated campaign finance laws by using his own money to silence Stormy (one is tacky and gross, the other is illegal). They’ve been toeing the line (aka lying out both sides of their mouth) on which it

I am def adding “my favorite bedroom” “my favorite kitchen” “my favorite couch” “my favorite car” to my conversations starting now. NO ONE HAS TO KNOW IT’S MY FAVORITE BECAUSE THERE’S ONLY ONE.

We’ve been wrong all these years. The fastest way to make a joke un-funny is not to explain it after you’ve told it, but to preemptively announce (by days!) that you are preparing to make a joke.

This is a good rule of thumb (and also the one I use to decide whether to tell someone about a wardrobe malfunction) - skirt tucked into tights? yes, tell them. lettuce in teeth? yes, tell them. leggings are actually kinda see-thru? they can’t fix it in the moment, don’t tell them.

And then the inevitable “OMG, are you ok?!” replies to it.

Yeah I have not heard a single one of Wolf’s jokes that mocked Sanders’ (or anyone else’s) appearance, or was otherwise “over the line.” My husband and I were talking about this last night, and we decided that “the lines” that should not be crossed are the following:

ok, well I ran out of soy sauce (which is my usual salmon marinade) and I actually have honey and ginger so....I am here for Kourtney’s meal plan app. (I mean, I won’t download it, but I will read one sentence about it and then google “salmon honey ginger glaze.”)

“Trump is a messy bitch” is the truest thing on the internet today.

God I miss the early-ish days of facebook when you could watch a relationship slow-mo implode via relationship status changes and vague-book posts. Through some combination of me cleaning out my friends list, people tightening up their privacy settings, and social norms changing it really doesn’t happen much these

Ye’s having another mental break, though, right (Chance’s denial aside)? B/c his tweets sort of scream “I am in a manic phase!” to me.

Also, if he needs a goddam therapist (and IMO, most people do!), he could use his fucking taxpayer-funded gold-plated healthcare plan (that they’ve gone out of their way to deny to non-Congressional Americans) to see one, instead of demanding that his employer hire a Secretary of Feelings that really, like, gets him,

What I hear here is “I want someone as similar to me as possible, because I can only relate to people who are demographically the same as me.”

They did! Because god forbid I go home without a clear gender indicator. This was in a suburb of DC in the mid-eighties.

My mom is sort of a classic baby boomer feminist “but I would never call myself a feminist” type, but you’ll never get her closer to raging about the patriarchy faster than if you ask her about taking me home from the hospital.

I had a pink bow GLUED to my scalp because newborn me didn’t have enough hair - my mom had to soak it off with warm washcloths over several I’m having trouble coming up with criticism of Chyna on this particular matter.

If she’s his handler she sucks at her job.

agreed - she very clearly hates him at this point.

I have no idea. But I bet a prenup could contain some NDA-ish material (again, see Katie Holmes!).

okay I am going to be lazy and re-post a comment I just posted on another article, because I really wanna dig deep into speculation about what their relationship must be like. I am fascinated her, and by their marriage. What is your take? Do you think she has any leverage or power in the relationship?